BibFormatter is a program to clean up bib files.
Manual & Commands
You need Java to run this program.
OS X & Linux:
run BibFormatter.jar
edit run.bat
-jar BibFormatter.jar -b <bibFile> [<outputPath>] [-command [[+parameter] <arguments>] ...
A complete list of all commands can be found here:
- 0.19.13
- Add: Finished New Command System
- 0.19.12
- Add: New Command System
- Add: Ability to invert Types and Keys
- Add: Override option on create Key
- Fix: Various little things
- Fix: JavaDoc
- 0.18.12
- Add: Command to generate a publisher
- 0.17.12
- Add: Command to Format DOIs
- Add: Option to add every Type/Key in an argument (#)
- Fix: JavaDoc
- 0.16.12
- Add: Generate Doi publisher map
- Fix: Various little things
- Fix: JavaDoc
- 0.15.10
- Add: Command to format urls
- Fix: Added missing keys
- 0.14.9
- Add: Command to order entries by a list of types
- 0.13.9
- Add: Command to merge two bibliography files
- 0.12.9
- Add: Option to generate bib file from aux file
- Add: Option to add every entry from a bib file to another bib file if the BibTexKey is not already found.
- 0.11.9
- Add: Option to create new keys and add a value
- 0.10.9
- Add: Option to specify a save location
- Add: Option to run multiple commands on multiple bib files
- Fix: Various little things
- 0.9.8
- Add: Command to export flawed entries as txt
- 0.8.8
- Add: More powerful command system
- 0.7.7
- Edit: Rewriting Command System
- 0.7.6
- Add: Replace value option
- 0.7.5
- Add: Replace key option
- 0.6.5
- Add: Moved special character regEx to file
- Fix: Special character map mismatch
- 0.6.4
- Add: Multi special character map support
- Fix: Error if no bib file found
- 0.4.3
- Add: Required Fields generator
- 0.4.2
- Add: Option to save special characters
Copyright 2019 © Paul Eduard Koenig