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Planned Features

Daniel V edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

Planned Features

These aren't guaranteed to be added, but are rather for a general outline of the direction I wish to go with future TNE releases.

General Changes

  • Ability to limit amount of currency received each day.

Transaction System Overhaul

  • Ability to add taxes per transaction type
  • Improved tracking ability

Menu System Overhaul

  • Easier system for menu creation
  • Multi-tab support
  • builder setup style

Command System Overhaul

  • Easier for PRs
  • Easier to control for the end-user

Lottery Module

Jobs Module

Plots Module

Banks Module

  • Ability for players to create banks
  • Ability to hold heists on banks
  • Ability to set interest rates on bank accounts
  • Ability to store multiple currencies
  • Ability to require a bank account to utilize certain TNE commands

Vaults Module

  • Ability to store physical items in a vault
  • Multi-tab support with the ability to change tab icons
  • Ability to share vaults with other players
  • Ability to control certain permissions with other players
  • Quick deposit/withdraw using commands


  • Ability to auction multiple items at once
  • Ability to set a physical location for auctions
  • Multi-world and currency support

Mobs Module Changes

  • Improved min/max configurations
  • Multi world Support
  • Anti farming
  • Item Drops
  • Experience Modifications
  • Permissions for each entity drop
  • Run commands on entity death
  • Per-mob multipliers for weapons
  • Min damage required for reward config

Signs Module Changes

  • Ability to have custom sign formats
  • Better ASYNC support
  • Better sign framework
  • More signs
  • Better data handling
  • Ability to sell mobs

Resource Tracking Module

  • Used to track resources in circulation

Dynamic Pricing Module

  • Used to fluctuate item/blocks price based on supply & demand
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