If you would like to provide a module for Toaster please checkout the example module and once you have made it you can simply send a pull request to add your module to the 'community_modules' folder.
Command | Aliases | Description |
!accept | Accept a request to swap positions. | |
!afk | Sets you as AFK in the room. | |
!autowoot | !rcs | Provides a link to the RCS extension. |
!avatar | Explanation of the custom avatar. | |
!ba | Shows information about becoming a Brand Ambassador. | |
!blcheck | Checks if a specific song is on the blacklist. | |
!commands | Links to this page. | |
!dc | Rejoin the waitlist after disconnecting for up to 1 hour. | |
!discord | Provides a link to the NC-331 Discord Server. | |
!diy | Provides a link to a document containing information on how to setup a community. | |
!emoji | Emoji Cheat Sheet. | |
!eta | Shows an estimated time for when you will reach the DJ booth. | |
!event | Describes the current or planned event. | |
!forum | !website | Links to the Nightcore-331 website. |
!gaming | Links to the Nightcore-331 Gaming Discord | |
!giftpos | Gift your waitlist position to someone else. | |
!help | Shows some basic help info for Plug. | |
!hug | Hugs a user. | |
!kill | Bot responds with 'no thanks m8'. | |
!kms | Forces the user to 'kill themself' (Kicks and re-promotes user). | |
!lastplayed | Shows the stats from the last time hte song was played. | |
!link | Provides a link to the current song. | |
!nightcore | Provides a link to an explaination of 'Nightcore'. | |
!op | !blacklist | Provides a link to the blacklist. |
!opcheck | Checks if the current is OP (Bouncers+ can also check specific songs). | |
!pet | Pets a user. | |
!rjoin | Joins a roulette if active. | |
!rules | Provides a link to the room rules. | |
!social | Provides links to all of Nightcore-331's social media profiles. | |
!theme | !genre | Links to a forum post explaining the theme of the room. |
!xp | Provides information on how to earn XP in Plug. |
Command | Aliases | Description |
!blocked | Provides a link to Polsy's Youtube Restriction Checker | |
!bouncer | Provides information on how to apply for Bouncer. | |
!map | Provides a map of the staff locations. | |
!mehrule | Prints the mehrule information. | |
!picture | Provides a link to the current video's thumbnail. | |
!ping | Pong! | |
!plug | Provides information on Plug's return. | |
!rdj | Provides information on how to apply for ResDJ. | |
!setbadge | Set your badge (rcs theme only) to the url provided. | |
!staff | Pings the last 3 active Bouncers+ for help. | |
!shush | Tells the user to stop asking for mehs. | |
!urban | Looks up a specified or random word/phrase from the Urban Dictionary. |
Command | Aliases | Description |
!active | Logs stats of how many users have been active within a period or how long since a user was last active. | |
!add | Add user to the waitlist. | |
!bl | Blacklists the current song. | |
!discordreload | Forces the Discord bot to reload. | |
!jointime | Logs the amount of time since the user joined the room (this session only). | |
!ls | Skips the current song whilst also moving the user to position 5 in the waitlist. | |
!lock | Locks the waitlist. | |
!lockdown | Deletes all chat messages for users below Bouncer rank. | |
!maxlength | Adjusts the max song length in minutes. | |
!move | Moves a user to a speicifc position in the waitlist (will also add the user if they aren't in the waitlist). | |
!nc | Checks a users Nightcore Credits. | |
!rc | Reloads the bots modules. This is similar to a full reload apart from the bot doesn't relog. | |
!remove | Remove a user from the waitlist. | |
!skip | Skips the current song. | |
!stats | Logs the stats of a user. | |
!swap | Swaps two users positions. | |
!totaltime | Logs the sum of all user sessions in the room. | |
!unlock | Unlocks the waitlist. |
Command | Aliases | Description |
!announceman | Manually posts the configured announcement message. | |
!announcement | Sets the announcement message. | |
!announcetimer | Sets the interval between announcement messages. | |
!announcetoggle | Toggles announcements on/off. | |
!autodctoggle | Toggles the AutoDC feature on/off. | |
!ban | Bans a user using the bot. | |
!beta | Logs if beta commands/features are enabled or disabled. | |
!betatoggle | Toggles the beta commands/features on/off. | |
!clearchat | Clears the current chat messages. | |
!clearqueue | Clears the waitlist queue. | |
!dclimit | Adjusts the length of the DC limit in minutes. | |
!endevent | Ends the event. Re-opening the waitlist and disabling DJ Cycle. | |
!hardreload | WARNING! Only use this as a last resort. This clears ALL bot caches and restarts. | |
!kick | Kicks the user and re-promotes them (if they were staff already). | |
!mbl | !manualblacklist | Manually adds a song to the blacklist. |
!mblo | Manually adds a song to the blacklist overriding warnings. | |
!mblsc | Manually adds a soundcloud song to the blacklist. | |
!pp | Logs the bots current Plug Points. | |
!rbl | !removeblacklist | Removes a song from the blacklist. |
!reload | Forces a full restart of the bot. | |
!resetroulette | Resets the roulette settings. | |
!roomstats | Prints out stats for the room. | |
!roulette | Starts a roulette. | |
!s | Changes settings in the bot. | |
!savesettings | Forces the bot to save its current settings to disk. | |
!say | Send a message as the bot. WARNING this is restricted to discord only! | |
!startevent | Starts an event with a specific user as the DJ. Turns on DJ Cycle and locks down the waitlist. | |
!testuser | Logs basic user info. Testing if the bot can see the user in the room. | |
!wllimit | Adjusts how long the bot thinks the max waitlist is. Mainly used for testing new features. | |
!wlcount | Logs how many people the bot can see in the waitlist. Useful for checking for ghost users. |
Command | Aliases | Description |
!heroesneverdie | Revives the room chat. | |
!highnoon | Kills all chat in the room. | |
!rig | Rigs a roulette for a specific user. |