Exploring equity of access to community services after hospital discharge.
Following a stay in hospital, many patients, particularly older adults, require support at home from a healthcare professional such as a district nurse, an occupational therapist, or a physiotherapist. This analysis explores the extent to which these post-discharge community healthcare services are equitably distributed. It addresses this question over four potential axes of inequality: socio-economic group, ethnicity, sex, and geography.
The analysis uses four datasets:
- The Community Services Data Set (access via NCDR)
- The admitted patient care dataset (access via NCDR)
- The Index of Deprivation 2019 (From the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government website)
- A lookup from Lower Super Output Area to Integrated Care Board (from the Office for National Statistics - Open Geography Portal)
The analysis consiste of a series TSQL and R scripts which must be run in the following order.
1 drawDownCommRehanData.R
2 exploreData.R
3 mapDataCoverage.R
4 createModelDataFrame.R
5 descrivbeStudyPopulation.R
6 drescribeoUtcomeFrequency.R
7 builModel.R
8 exploreModelResults.R
The R scripts require a number of packages including tidyverse, here, broom, odbc, mgcv, stringr, lubridate, scales, maptools, rgdal, greos, and ggpubr.
The scripts produce a series of RDS files, charts images and csv tables.