In this repo we did SLAM using gmapping, autonomus naviagtion and obstacle avoidance using move_base and localization using amcl.
visit following for detailed elaboration
wheelchair_description: consist of wheelchair model and launch files
wheelchair_simulation: consist of all gazebo worlds and launch files
wheelchair_control: consist of saved setting of motor driver and kangaroo conroller
wheelchair_cartographer: consist of mapping configurations and launch files
wheelchair_navigation: consist of navigation parameters and launch files
I.To view robot model in Rviz use:
$ roslaunch wheelchair_description display.launch
II.To view robot model in Gazebo use:
$ roslaunch wheelchair_description gazebo.launch
I.To launch any of the gazebo world use
$ roslaunch wheelchair_simulation hospital_world.launch
II. To perform teleop operation on wheelchair in gazebo use
$ rosrun wheelchair_simulation robot_teleop_key
I. To make map of the world using cartographer use:
$ roslaunch wheelchair_cartographer gampping.launch
II. To save the map of the world use:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map_name
I. To perform navigation in any of the world launched and mapped earlier use:
$ roslaunch wheelchair_navigation hw_robot_navigation.launch
II. To perform navigation using natural language processing use:
$ rosrun wheelchair_navigation Voice_NLP
$ rosrun wheelchair_naviagtion talker