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Tendrl release latest

Rohan Kanade edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 49 revisions

This wiki page describes how to install/uninstall of Tendrl, Software Defined Storage Controller.

From Tendrl's point of view, there are these server roles:

  • Tendrl Server: single machine which runs Tendrl itself (eg. Tendrl web ui and api runs there)
  • Tendrl Storage Node aka Storage Server: machine on which Software Defined Storage server (such as GlusterFS) is installed. There are multiple such machines, together forming a storage cluster.

Each role has a dedicated section with Tendrl installation steps specific for the role, but first there are few sections with information not specific for any particular role.

When you already have a storage cluster installed (eg. GlusterFS Trusted Storage Pool hosting multiple Gluster volumes), you need one additional machine for Tendrl Server.

Tendrl Server System Requirements

  • The server hosting tendrl-api/central_store should have minimum 16 GB of memory and 4 VCPUs (or equivalent)(due to alerts, logs being stored on this node) available to be used by the Tendrl server
  • On the Tendrl server, ensure that Etcd data directory is hosted/located on an separate dedicated disk (use ext4, btrfs, xfs or any platform supported filesystem) which is not being used by any other process or the OS. Install the etcd package with the instructions below. This will create the default data directory, which is /var/lib/etcd. Mount the disk at this location and ensure that the directory is owned by etcd:etcd and that its permissions are 0755. The permissions need to be applied after mounting the disk. The corresponding fstab entry would also be required.
  • Optionally, a dedicated disk can be used for graphite as well. This disk needs to be mounted at /var/lib/carbon with the ownership of root:root and permissions 0755. The permissions need to be applied after mounting the disk. The corresponding fstab entry would also be required.

See also tendrl-ansible prechecks.yml playbook file.

Supported SDS

  • Tendrl requires Gluster>=3.12.0

Installation using Tendrl Ansible

You can perform installation of both Tendrl Server and Tendrl Storage Node machines either manually (step by step following installation sections below) or using tendrl-ansible. Using tendrl-ansible is highly recommended.

While tendrl-ansible automates the installation almost entirely, you still need to roughly understand what steps are performed during installation of each machine role, especially wrt configuration you may want to tweak.

Tendrl Ansible gives you option to change default configuration via ansible variables. Description of all variables is provided in README file of each ansible role.

To install tendrl-ansible, it's highly recommended to use rpm package provided in the tendrl release repository:

# yum copr enable tendrl/release
# yum install tendrl-ansible

Quick introduction is provided in the README file provided with the package:

# less /usr/share/doc/tendrl-ansible-1.6.2/

That said, you can also consult the release branch of tendrl-ansbile repository:

SELinux Configuration

Tendrl provides independent SELinux policy, which is integral part of Tendrl.

To install the Tendrl SELinux policies, you need to switch SELinux mode to permissive on all Tendrl machines first: set SELINUX=permissive in /etc/selinux/config and then either run setenforce 0 or reboot. Then you can install packages with Tendrl SELinux policies as described below.

On Tendrl Server:

  • yum install carbon-selinux
  • yum install tendrl-grafana-selinux
  • yum install tendrl-selinux

On Tendrl Storage Nodes:

  • yum install tendrl-collectd-selinux
  • yum install tendrl-selinux

Warning: running Tendrl on machines in enforcing mode doesn't work yet, as Tendrl SELinux policies are in early stage of development. See current list of known tendrl-selinux issues. Only when we gain more confidence in Tendrl SELinux polices based on fixing known issues and our testing, we will suggest to run Tendrl on machines in enforcing mode instead.

If you want to help with improvement of SELinux policies for Tendrl, create issue for tendrl-selinux and attach output of ausearch -m avc command along with your use case, which causes the avc denials.

SELinux configuration is covered in tednrl-ansible. By default all machines are switched to permissive mode and listed packages are installed.

Firewall Configuration

Tendrl does not currently support running on firewall enabled system as the firewall rules are under development. Hence it is recommended to disable the firewalld on server/storage nodes

service firewalld stop
systemctl disable firewalld
iptables --flush

Firewall configuration is covered in tednrl-ansible via workaround.disable-firewall.yml playbook, which is included in site.yml.sample example playbook.


Make sure you keep time synchronized on all storage machines and Tendrl server. When you install Tendrl on machines with already existing storage cluster, an ntp daemon (such as chrony or ntpd) is usually already configured because it's part of the storage cluster installation.

NTP configuration is out of scope of tendrl-ansible. Playbook prechecks.yml, which is included in site.yml.sample playbook, only checks if the time synchronization is configured.

Https Configuration

Please refer to

Please note that there are known issues and that https configuration is not actively tested right now.

Configuration of https is not yet part of tendrl-ansible.

Tendrl Server Installation

Installation steps listed there are covered in the following roles of tendrl-ansible:

  • grafana-repo
  • tendrl-copr
  • tendrl-server

The following procedure outlines the procedure to install tendrl server components manually:

  1. Install CentOS 7.3

  2. Enable the following repositories

    cp tendrl-*.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
    yum install epel-release

    Add Grafana repo as per the instructions at

  3. Install Etcd

    yum install etcd
  4. Configure etcd

    Edit the below etcd configurations for allowing the clients to connect to the etcd server

    Open /etc/etcd/etcd.conf and update:

    • ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS="http://<ip address of etcd server>:2379"
    • ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URLS="http://<ip address of etcd server>:2379"

    As a value for etcd server ip address, use some public ip address of the tendrl server machine (which is the server you are installing etcd on right now). This options controls where etcd server will listen on for client traffic.

    For more details, see etcd configuration documentation.

    To run secure ETCD (SSL/TLS based client server encryption and auth), please refer to: Note: this is covered by tendrl-ansible, but it's disabled by default, as the issuing and deployment of tls certificates on all machines is out of scope of tendrl-ansible and you need to do it yourself first.

  5. Enable and start the etcd service

    systemctl enable etcd
    systemctl start etcd
  6. Install Node Agent

    yum install tendrl-node-agent
  7. Configure Node Agent

    Edit the below configurations for connecting to the etcd server

    Open /etc/tendrl/node-agent/node-agent.conf.yaml and update:

    etcd_connection: <FQDN of etcd server>
    graphite_host: <FQDN of Graphite Server>

    Note that:

    • when we use dns query to translate FQDN of etcd server to an ip address, the resulting value should match ip address of etcd server we configured just few steps ago
    • a safe default value for FQDN address of graphite would be a domain name which translates to ip address we use for etcd here (this guide places both services on tendrl server machine)
    • graphite stack is installed later as a dependency of tendrl-monitoring-integration rpm package
    • you should not reconfigure graphite_port in this config file

    Additional details (useful when you are familiar with graphite stack):

    • this guide doesn't include steps to reconfigure any component for graphite stack so that we can assume that default configuration is used
    • graphite_host refers to carbon-cache service, which is configured in /etc/carbon/carbon.conf config file
  8. Enable and start Node Agent

    systemctl enable tendrl-node-agent
    systemctl start tendrl-node-agent
  9. Install tendrl API

    yum install tendrl-api
  10. Configure tendrl API

    Edit configuration file /etc/tendrl/etcd.yml for connecting to the etcd server and update :production: section:

        :host: '<FQDN of etcd server>'
        :port: 2379

    Then create the admin user:

    cd /usr/share/tendrl-api
    RACK_ENV=production rake etcd:load_admin

    Note that the default password of the admin user will be shown in output of rake command.

  11. Enable and start API service

    systemctl enable tendrl-api
    systemctl start tendrl-api
  12. Install tendrl ui

    yum install tendrl-ui
  13. Install Monitoring Integration

    yum install tendrl-monitoring-integration
  14. Init graphite-db

    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graphite/ syncdb --noinput
    chown apache:apache /var/lib/graphite-web/graphite.db
  15. Enable and start carbon-cache service

    systemctl enable carbon-cache
    systemctl start carbon-cache
  16. Configure grafana service

    Open /etc/sysconfig/grafana-server and update:

  17. Create new strong password and set is as a value of admin_password option in /etc/tendrl/monitoring-integration/grafana/grafana.ini file.

    This password is used by Tendrl for internal purposes only.

    When one uses tendrl-ansible, this password is generated by ansible password lookup plugin and stored in grafana_admin_passwd file.

  18. Enable and start grafana service

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable grafana-server.service
    systemctl start grafana-server

    Note that the 1st step here (daemon reload) is actually needed as is a workaround for upstream grafana rpm package we are using right now:

          Installing : grafana-4.4.3-1.x86_64
    ### NOT starting on installation, please execute the following statements to configure grafana to start automatically using systemd
     sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
     sudo /bin/systemctl enable grafana-server.service
    ### You can start grafana-server by executing
     sudo /bin/systemctl start grafana-server.service 
  19. Configure monitoring-integration

    Modify /etc/tendrl/monitoring-integration/monitoring-integration.conf.yaml:

    datasource_host: <FQDN of graphite server>
    etcd_connection: <FQDN of etcd server>
  20. Recall the password you created and added into grafana.ini config file few steps back, locate Grafana credentials section in /etc/tendrl/monitoring-integration/monitoring-integration.conf.yaml config file and set the same password there:

    # Grafana credentials
      user: admin
      password: set_the_same_password_as_used_for_grafana_admin_password
  21. Enable and start monitoring-integration

    systemctl enable tendrl-monitoring-integration
    systemctl start tendrl-monitoring-integration
  22. Install Notifier

    yum install tendrl-notifier
  23. Configure notifier

    Open /etc/tendrl/notifier/notifier.conf.yaml and update:

    etcd_connection: <FQDN of etcd server>
  24. Configure email/snmp source::

    Open /etc/tendrl/notifier/email.conf.yaml
    update -->
    email_id = <The sender email id>
    email_smtp_server = <The smtp server>
    email_smtp_port = <The smtp port>
    Note: If SMTP server supports only authenticated email, 
    follow the template as in: /etc/tendrl/notifier/email_auth.conf.yaml.sample
          And accordingly enable the following:
        auth = <ssl/tls>
        email_pass = <password corresponding to email_id for authenticating to smtp server>
    Open /etc/tendrl/notifier/snmp.conf.yaml
    For v2_endpoint:
    # For more hosts you can add more entry with endpoint2, endpoint3, etc
    # Name or IP address of the remote SNMP host.
    host_ip: <Receiving machine ip>
    community: <community name>
    # In receiving host machine:
    yum install net-snmp
    open file snmptrapd.conf
    # write below line inside file
    disableAuthorization yes
    # Run command
    snmptrapd -f -Lo -c snmptrapd.conf
    For v3_endpoint:
    # For more hosts you can add more entry with endpoint2, endpoint3, etc
    # Name or IP address of the remote SNMP host.
    host_ip: <Receiving machine ip>
    # Name of the user on the host that connects to the agent.
    username: <Username of receiver>
    # Enables the agent to receive packets from the host.
    auth_key: <md5 password>
    #  The private user password
    priv_key: <des password>
    # In receiving host machine:
    yum install net-snmp
    open file snmptrapd.conf
    # write below line inside file
    authUser log <username of receiver>
    createUser -e 8000000001020304 <user name of receiver> MD5 <md5 password> DES <des password>
    # Run command
    snmptrapd -f -Lo -c snmptrapd.conf

    When using tendrl-ansible, you create this snmp.conf.yaml file locally and set it's local path as a value of tendrl_notifier_snmp_conf_file ansible variable. See readme file of tendrl-server role for details.

  25. Enable and start notifier service::

    systemctl enable tendrl-notifier
    systemctl start tendrl-notifier
  26. Enable and start httpd

    systemctl enable httpd
    systemctl start httpd
  27. Restart rsyslog daemon

    systemctl restart rsyslog
  28. Open the following URL in the browser

    http://<FQDN of the server>

    and login as admin user with default password adminuser.

Tendrl Storage Node Installation

Installation steps listed there are covered in the following roles of tendrl-ansible:

  • tendrl-copr
  • tendrl-storage-node

The following procedure outlines the procedure to install tendrl storage node components manually:

  1. Install CentOS 7.3 and Gluster. Ensure all the participating nodes in the Gluster cluster are peer probed (i.e. present in gluster trusted storage pool), only after which tendrl-node-agent should be installed on all nodes, without peer probe, the node wont be detected by tendrl as a gluster node.

  2. Enable the following repositories

    cp tendrl-*.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
    yum install epel-release
  3. Install Node Agent

    yum install tendrl-node-agent
  4. Configure Node Agent

    Edit the below configurations for connecting to the etcd server

    Open /etc/tendrl/node-agent/node-agent.conf.yaml and update:

    etcd_connection = <FQDN of etcd server>
    graphite_host = <FQDN of Graphite Server>
  5. Enable and start Node Agent

    systemctl enable tendrl-node-agent
    systemctl start tendrl-node-agent
  6. Restart rsyslog daemon

    systemctl restart rsyslog





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