This document explains how to setup an automatic recurring claimreward action for bp's on TELOS. This should work on other EOSIO chains with minimal changes.
- First, we create a new permission "ACCOUNT/claimer" with a unique KEY
- This unique key will only be allowed to claim tokens to YOUR account. This way, if they key gets compromised it will do little or argueably "no" harm.
Next, we create a separate wallet "claim" and provide ONLY this unique KEY
Create a shell script "" to:
- Unlock this wallet
- Execute the claimrewards action
- Lock the wallet
- Setup a LOCAL USER cron job to run every hour. (On TELOS, unclaimed rewards don't expire, so we don't need to worry about missing a claim)
- Create new EOS KEY Pair (there are many ways to do this).
- NOTE: SAVE the KEY info!
- Create permission:
cleos set account permission ACCOUNT_NAME claimer '{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"YOUR_NEW_CLAIMER_PUB_KEY","weight":1}]}' "active" -p ACCOUNT_NAME@active
cleos set action permission ACCOUNT_NAME eosio claimrewards claimer
- Create Wallet
cleos wallet create -n WALLET_NAME -f KEY_FILE_NAME
- NOTE: SAVE the wallet key!
- Add NEW key pair to the wallet
cleos wallet import -n WALLET_NAME
- paste PRIVATE key when prompted
- LOCK THE WALLET (OPTIONAL STEP. We do this so it's in correct state for the script)
cleos wallet lock -n WALLET_NAME
5a. COPY THE WALLET from $HOME/telos-wallet
folder to `$HOME/eosio-wallet
- NOTE: I'm not sure why, but seems cleos looks for this wallet in the eosio-wallet folder ¯\(ツ)/¯
cp $HOME/telos-wallet/YOUR_WALLET_NAME.wallet $HOME/eosio-wallet/.
Create the file "". See file in this repo.
Make the file executable
sudo chmod 755
- Setup LOCAL_USER crontab job
- NOTE: Need to have local user added to /etc/cron.d/cron.allow
- If file doesn't exist, create it and all 2 lines:
- root
- LOCAL_USERNAME <-replace with your specific username
crontab -e
- ADD THE FOLLOWING LINE ( will run every top of the hour ):
5 * * * * /FULL_PATH/ >>/FULL_PATH/claims.log 2>&1