Welcome to the Chuck Norris: Facts. app! This React application fetches and displays random Chuck Norris facts from the ChuckNorris.io API. The app features a fun and interactive UI with animations and easy navigation.
- Random Facts: Fetch and display random Chuck Norris facts.
- Loading State: Shows a loading screen while fetching data.
- Animated Header: Includes an animated header with Chuck Norris imagery.
- Responsive Footer: Displays information and links to the project's GitHub repository.
The main component of the application that sets up routing and manages the state for the fetched fact and loading status. It also includes the Header
, MainBoard
, and Footer
The Header
component features a shaking animation for the title and displays an image of Lego Chuck Norris. It uses the useRef
and useEffect
hooks to handle animation effects.
The MainBoard
component is responsible for displaying the Chuck Norris fact and the loading state. It conditionally renders a LoadingScreen
component or the fetched fact, and includes a button to fetch a new fact.
The Footer
component provides information about the app, including its version and a link to the ChuckNorris.io API. It also includes a GitHub link to the project's repository.
A utility function to fetch data from a given URL. It handles the HTTP request and returns the response as JSON.
A function to fetch a random Chuck Norris fact from the ChuckNorris.io API. It utilizes the fetchData
function and handles any errors that may occur during the fetch operation.
To get started with the Chuck Norris Facts app, follow these instructions:
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/TechnoZombie/chuckNorrisFacts.git
- Navigate to the Project Directory
cd chuckNorrisFacts
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Start the Development Server
npm run dev
src/components: Contains React components such as Header, MainBoard, Footer, and LoadingScreen.
src/css: Contains CSS files for styling the components.
src/FactService.jsx: Contains service functions for fetching data from the API.
src/App.js: Main application component that sets up routing and manages state.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository. License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
ChuckNorris.io - API for Chuck Norris facts. React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.