A modern platform built with Next.js, GraphQL, and MongoDB to read, upload, and download Ebooks.
- OAuth Authentication (Google)
- Explore books
- Upload & Download books (PDF format)
- Save Favorite books
- Search & Filter books
- Mobile Responsive Design
- Framework: Next.js 14 (React.js)
- Language: Typescript
- Authentication: Nextauth
- Styling: Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI
- Mail Service: Nodemailer
- Framework: Next.js Route Handlers (Node.js)
- APIs: GraphQL (Apollo)
- Language: Typescript
- Database: MongoDB
- ORM: Prisma
- Deployment: Vercel
- Storage + File Upload: UploadThing
- Robust Error Handling
- Conventional Commit Messages
- Comments to help support complex code logic
- Linting & Formatting