IMPORTANT! This snapshot is for TESTING purposes only, and you should NOT update an existing world to this version (especially a world that you care about). This snapshot is meant to be used on NEW WORLDS only.
You should delete your RTG config folder if updating from any previous version for 1.10.x.
- Removed a large portion of unused code that has resulted in a significant performance boost during chunk generation. (If volcanoes are disabled, the performance boost is doubled.)
World gen
- Better automatic beach detection.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash indirectly-related to volcano generation.
- Added biome-patching to all relevant places in the code, which means that all unsupported biome-adding mods can still be used with RTG - however, the unsupported biomes will generate as a vanilla Plains biome instead of the mod biome (the patch biome is configurable if you want to change it to something else).
- Fixed a bug that was causing biomes that were supposed to be decorated with multiple types of fallen trees only generating oak logs.
- Fixed BOP flower stems being used for fallen trees in some biomes.
Under the hood
- Better structure event management.