IMPORTANT! This snapshot is for TESTING purposes only, and you should NOT update an existing world to this version (especially a world that you care about). This snapshot is meant to be used on NEW WORLDS only.
You should delete your RTG config folder if updating from any previous version for 1.10.x.
Biome support
- Added biome support for SugiForest.
- Added biome support for Oh The Biomes You'll Go 3
World gen
- BOP Overgrown Cliffs now stays within build limit.
Config options
- Added enableWorldTypeNotificationScreen config option - World type screen only displays if enabled in configs.
- Disabled villages in Mesa Bryce by default.
- Added enableFlowingLiquidModifications config option - other flowing liquid settings only work if this config option is enabled.
- Replaced villageCrashFix with crashOnStructureExceptions - this prevents RTG from crashing when it tries to generate structures at the same time as another mod. However, it could result in some structures not generating fully. This hasn't actually been an issue in 1.10.2 so far, but we added this functionality as a safety precaution. There is a 99.999 (repeating of course) percent chance that you will not be affected by this at all.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused a crash with BOP.
- Fixed bug with water/lava pond generation logic.
- Fixed a bug related to flowing liquids not adhering to their config settings.
- Structures fail gracefully when they fail.
Under the hood
- Various minor bug fixes & improvements