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Tasha edited this page Jan 21, 2016 · 9 revisions

##Welcome to the Community Event Planning wiki!

The areas of interest below are listed somewhat in order of concern. Some of the concerns are a bit circular, e.g. it's hard to pick a paid venue without knowing sponsor interest. Such concerns will be discussed in their respective areas, but in general this is a good order to consider topics while planning. Each Area of Interest has a page listed in the sidebar.

Areas of Interest:

  1. Choosing a Theme/Topic

  2. The Conference Organizing Group

  3. Monies, Forming a Business, and Taxes

  4. Choosing a Date

  5. Venues

  6. Format Options

  7. Attendees and Marketing

  8. Speakers

  9. Sponsorship

  10. Food

  11. Swag