- login
- register for a class, drop classes
- for class, show instructor, room number, seats, credits, prereqs, department, id, class number, name, days, time, school, grad/under, mode, semester, year, red or green if filled
- for a student, you need max credits, classes registered for, id, name, total credits, money due, school, term
- search for classes
- api that allows you to retrieve all this info
- main menu page, enroll, account, chats,
- schedule
- share stuff
- student profile with list of classes, grade, credits, money due, student info, major, minor
<li>limit enrolling based on max credits, capacity, schedule conflict and pre reqs</li>
<li>fix amount due and add pay button thing</li>
<li>fix schedule</li>
<li>add more data to the database</li>
<li>allow user to declare a major/minor</li>
<li>update registration page</li>