- Build a website or a web or a mobile application using Azure technologies, which help people in meditation.
- Solution: A large percentage of the human population suffers from stress and depression. They try to meditate but fail because of a lack of focus and inconsistency. My project, Tranquil, has soothing rain and beach sounds and a timer that can help people meditate as the sounds can give them the same feel as they are on a beach without actually visiting a beach. They can also set a timer for the duration of meditation.
I used Visual Studio code as the IDE and Azure Static Web App service to deploy my website.
- Javascript
1- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Tanyaverma3114/Tranquil.git
2- Open the folder:
cd Tranquil
3- Run on device:
Press Alt+L then Alt+O
or Click on "Go Live" to run the live server
- Azure Static Web App: https://witty-stone-04172a210.1.azurestaticapps.net/
- Github Pages: https://tanyaverma3114.github.io/Tranquil/