This will provide access to data (Data structures and Algorithms ) in C++. It will cover topics from basic to advanced topics that will help you build a strong grip over topics. This will also serve as a helping hand in acing tech interviews and college exams.
1.1) Data structures
1.2) Algorithms
1.3) Need of learning dsa
2.1) Definition,Types,Declaration,Traversal,printing of arrays
2.2) Standard Array Questions✍
2.3) Reversing Array Tricks 🧐
2.4) 2D Array print ,sum
2.5) Searching in Arrays 🔍
3.1) Dive into Functions 🧾 3.2) Finding odd even count
4.1) if else, else if, nested if else
5.1) 0-1 pattern
5.2) Diamond pattern 🔹
5.3) Floyd's triangle 🔺
5.4) Butterfly pattern 🦋
5.5) Rectangle pattern
5.6) Zig-zag pattern 〽
5.7) Number pattern 🔢
5.8) Reverse pattern ↩
6.1) Binary Search, code overview
6.2) Linear Search
7.1) General framework
7.2) Print decreasing order
7.3) Print increasing order
7.5) Print the array elements
7.6) Find min in the array
7.7) Find factorial ❕
8.1) Introduction, Syntax
8.2) Profit Optimization ✅
8.3) Magician and chocolates 🍫
9.1) Balanced parathesis
10.1) Implementing queue from scratch
11.1) Functions on hashmap
11.2) Finding the repeating element
11.3) Two out of three
11.4) Anagrams
11.5) 2 sum
12.1) INtroduction to graphs , types, examples
12.2) Delelete cycle in a directed graph
12.3) Adjacency List
13.1) Basic terminologies and operations
13.2) Check if a binary tree is bst or not
14.1) Circular Linked List Traversal
two sum palindrome bubble sort