Pandoc wrapper for Typescript applications running on NodeJS
npm install pdc-ts
This package requires pandoc to be
installed. By default, the wrapper assumes pandoc to be in PATH
. To override this, see usage below.
import { PdcTs } from 'pdc-ts';
// Optional, if pandoc is not in PATH
const path = '/path/to/pandoc';
const pdcTs = new PdcTs(path);
// Now specify the details & execute
const result: string = await pdcTs.Execute({
from: 'markdown', // pandoc source format
to: 'html', // pandoc output format
outputToFile: false, // Controls whether the output will be returned as a string or written to a file
pandocArgs?: ['-v'], // pandoc arguments (any arguments you might want to pass to pandoc)
spawnOpts?: {}, // NodeJS spawn options (leave empty if you don't know what this is)
sourceText?: '# Heading', // Use this if your input is a string. If you set this, the file input will be ignored
sourceFilePath?: '/some/path/to/some/file', // Use this is your input is a file. Only works if no string input was given
sourceEncoding?: 'utf8', // Defaults to utf8
destFilePath?: '/some/path/to/some/output' // This will be the output file destination if outputToFile is true
The result will either be a string containing the converted document or an empty string if you asked for a file as output. You can control this using the outputToFile boolean.
Thank you to John MacFarlane for creating Pandoc & Paul Vorbach for the original pdc wrapper I used as a basis for the Typescript version.