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Taiizor edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

Skylark.Standard.Extension.Lottery.LotteryExtension Class

Namespace: Skylark.Standard.Extension.Lottery

Assembly: Skylark.Standard.dll


public static class LotteryExtension


The LotteryExtension class provides extension methods for performing lottery draws and shuffling lists.


Method Description Return Type
Draw(string List = MLLM.List, int WinnerCount = MLLM.WinnerCount, int ReserveCount = MLLM.ReserveCount, bool Repeated = MLLM.Repeat) Performs a lottery draw using the provided list and returns a LotteryDrawStruct object containing the winners and reserves. SLLDS
DrawAsync(string List = MLLM.List, int WinnerCount = MLLM.WinnerCount, int ReserveCount = MLLM.ReserveCount, bool Repeated = MLLM.Repeat) Performs a lottery draw asynchronously using the provided list and returns a Task<LotteryDrawStruct> object representing the operation. Task<SLLDS>
Suffle(string List = MLLM.List, bool Repeated = MLLM.Repeat) Shuffles the provided list and returns the shuffled list as a string. string
SuffleAsync(string List = MLLM.List, bool Repeated = MLLM.Repeat) Shuffles the provided list asynchronously and returns a Task<string> object representing the operation. Task<string>


Parameter Description Type
List The list of items to perform the draw or shuffle on. Defaults to the List field of the LotteryManage class. string
WinnerCount The number of winners to select in the draw. Defaults to the WinnerCount field of the LotteryManage class. int
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