Modified by TOPARMA.COM
We are looking for active coders to take over our mission to support community ideas further than what Team Wasteland has on it's current roadmap. TOParma is a new community that thrives off self-sustaining support.
Notes about our fork:
- We do not use iniDB, iniDB code may not be updated or merged.
- We use extDB, initially provided by @Torndeco.
We are not a support team. We are a community that enjoys playing arma and saw fit to modify our own A3Wasteland mission file.
TOParma ArmA 3 Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox mission where 2 teams and independent players fight for survival. Our main objective is to fight over a group of flags, which consist of 1-4 capture points.
Team Wasteland collaborators:
GoT - JoSchaap
TPG - AgentRev
- MercyfulFate
KoS - His_Shadow
KoS - Bewilderbeest
404 - Del1te