Version: 1.2.0
to use you need to have sudo privileges and docker and docker-compose installed
sudo apt install docker docker-compose git
Make sure to clone the repo and node just the docker-compose file
Option 1
sudo bash -U
Option 2
sudo docker-compose up -d
going into the src folder you will find a config.json file.
"config": {
"title": "CANCEL BEN TSARDOULIAS", //changes the title of the website
"start_date": "2023-10-29" // when the counter began
// in charge of the special box's password
"password": {
"OneHundred": "oh come on",
"TwohundredFifty": "it wasnt that bad",
"FiveHundred": "you got to be kidding",
"OneThousand": "wow i must of really fucked up"
You might be wondering why there is an API, so you can display your achievement in a physical medium Materials
Adafruit Matrix Portal S3 CircuitPython Powered Internet Display
64x32 RGB LED Matrix - 4mm pitch
Follow this tutorial to install circuit python.
clone the git repo and copy the contents into the circut python folder on your desktop
change the settings.toml file to your network (the board can only use 2.4GHz frequency)