A compose file exists for each environment to orchestrate deployments. Each application/service in a compose file can be locked to a specific tag. An image digest can be used to guarantee the correct/expected image is always referenced.
Clone the Camino repo to the path /opt/portal
At the root of the cloned project create the env file .env
and add the environment variables
that indicate which docker-compose files should be used. With the env file set, Make will
load the environment variables and pass them to the compose file.
The .env file can be used to populate values in the compose file and in conjunction with the Makefile helps create custom service sets.
- Clone this repo
- Create a
file and populate with:
- Run
make up
- Navigate to
Services can be customized without modifying base
compose files by creating overrides files in conf/camino/
- Create file
and paste in:
version: "3.8"
image: nginx:stable
- In the .env file add entry,
- run make up
- Note that the nginx image with tag
is being pulled down - Navigating to
now displays the default page for the new image
To facilitate continuous integration without updating the Camino repo,
a service in a compose file can be tagged with :latest
. New images built and published with the tag :latest
can then be deployed without requiring updates to Camino.
Deploying with Jenkins:
- Build and publish the image Build/Publish Core Portal Build/Publish CMS
- If required, update the service's image reference in the appropriate compose file as described above
- Go to Frontera_Deployments in Jenkins and start a build, selecting environment and component/service
A Makefile is included to facilitate manual deployment.
Steps for manually deploying service:
- Update the Camino compose file with image reference as needed
- Switch to user portal with
sudo su - portal
- Navigate to the Camino repo
cd /opt/portal/camino/
- Run the appropriate
command *cms:make deploy-cms
*core portal:make deploy-core
*user guide:make deploy-docs
*all services: :make deploy-all
por necesidad o aventura, todo descubrimiento nace con el inicio de un viaje sin fin, el camino hacia la frontera