Need to add subdomains to
on Linux andC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
on Windows so that subdomain testing will work- enki.localhost - gitlab
- khazad-dum.localhost - vault
- hendrix.localhost - traefik
- astarte.localhost - solid
To run Traefik and use https run the following command to create tls certificates for https to work properly
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout traefik/local_certs/traefik-selfsigned.key -out traefik/local_certs/traefik-selfsigned.crt -subj "/CN=*.<desired_local_domain_name>"
Required CLI packages:
- Docker/Docker-compose
- terraform
- node
- postgres
- Linode-Cli
linode-cli configure --token