My emacs config.
It most provide a config which works well for python/elpy and poetry (read below). Also in there: multiple-cursors, perl-like regexp, ido and a few elisp shoartcuts I like.
This repository should be saved as .emacs.d in the $HOME directory.
It is in part inspired by []
These bindings are coming from vanilla emacs. I just never remember them.
- C-x z: repeat previous command
- C-q C-j: insert new line in mini buffer
- M-3: Equivalent C-u 3
- C-h f piece-of-fun-name: to get function documentation
- C-h k : to get teh function called by a key binding
- C-x g: Display magit dashboard, then from there:
- g: refresh
- p/n: previous/next line/section
- TAB: expand/collapse region
- s/u: stage/unstage a file
- c: commit (then c, then C-c C-c)
- P: push (then p)
- q: quit
- b: checkout (then b)
- C-x M-g: Get transient action from any file
Those ones are specific to this config.
- M-o: next buffer
- M-S-o: previous buffer
- C-S-c C-S-c: multiple cursors on lines of block
- C-,: multiple cursors on next line
- C-<: multiple cursors on previous line
- C-c C-,: multiple cursors on all similar lines
- M-j: join lines
- C-S-j: Eval elisp expression and replace by result
- C-S-o: sticky buffer
- C-x p: Find file & line number at point ang go there
A file called '.dir_locals.el' can be put in a folder to define a local config. This is very useful with elpy/pyvenv and can be used that way:
;;; Directory Local Variables
;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
((python-mode . ((pyvenv-workon . "py37"))))
This can also be plugged with poetry to retrieve the venv:
(eval pyvenv-activate
(shell-command-to-string "poetry env info --path"))))
Link a command to key binding:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c") 'compile)
Call an external script on a region and use output to replace it:
(defun do-something-region (startPos endPos)
"Do some text processing on region.
This command calls the external script “wc”."
(interactive "r")
(let (scriptName)
(setq scriptName "/usr/bin/wc") ; full path to your script
(shell-command-on-region startPos endPos scriptName nil t nil t)
Template of interactive function:
(defun test ()
"my super fun"
(message "Here is the word at point: %s" (thing-at-point 'word))
(end-of-thing 'word)
Misc stuffMove to a given char:
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "myStr1" nil t)
(defun change-title ()
"change underline by surrounding =="
(line-move -1)
(insert "== ")
(insert " =="))