Run the below commands to set up the project.
- Copy the content and save the file with name .rvmrc in root directory -
rvm use 2.2.3@parking_lot --create
- Install Gems -
bundle install
Create database.yml in config directory. database_example.yml has been added for reference. username and pasword for mysql server needs to be added.
Create Database and add tables-
rake db:create
- To run all tests-
- To run parking_spec.rb tests-
rspec spec/models/parking_spec.rb
- Valid Commands -
['create_parking_lot', 'park', 'leave', 'status', 'registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour', 'slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour', 'slot_number_for_registration_number']
This program accepts certain input command and does verious actions like Creating a Parking Lot, Parking the vehicle, assigning the slot. The commands can be writen in a file and pased to the rake task as a argument or the commands can be run in interactive mode shell. If file_path is passed the output is written in an output file which is located in data folder else the output is printed in the shell itself.
Interactive Mode Command : ruby lib/parking_lot.rb
File Mode Command : ruby lib/parking_lot.rb "data/input.txt > data/output.txt"