Our Myntra hackathon project introduces two key features: Swipe and Style, allowing users to swipe through trend cards to personalize their shopping experience and provide valuable trend insights; and a Daily Check-In Reward System, incentivizing regular engagement with daily discounts to enhance user loyalty, drive sales, and boost retention rates. Together, these features create a more interactive, personalized, and rewarding shopping journey, strengthening user connections and supporting Myntra's growth in e-commerce.
- React
- JavaScript
- styled-components
- Canvas Confetti (for animations)
- Daily Check-in: Users can check in daily to receive rewards.
- Reward System: Offers various rewards such as cashback, discounts, and more.
- Missed Day Tracking: Tracks missed check-ins to encourage consistent use.
- Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly layout using CSS Grid and media queries.
- Confetti Animation: Celebratory confetti animation upon claiming rewards.
- Description: Users can swipe through trending fashion items to like or dislike them.
- Implementation: Utilizes a swipeable card interface with left and right swipe actions.
- Integration: Integrated with Myntra's trending fashion data and styled using styled-components for a seamless user experience.
- Personalized Shopping Experience: Users can easily find and shop for trends they love.
- Trend Analysis: The app can identify which trends are getting more likes and adjust its offerings accordingly.
- Enhanced Engagement: The swipe mechanism is intuitive and engaging, encouraging users to spend more time on the app.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/daily-rewards-app.git cd daily-rewards-app