Staking pools that allow you to buy deals before they have terms
Surge "Deals" are a type of NFT that implements a variation of Token Bound Accounts or TBAs. We call this variation TBD, or "Token Bound Deposits". A TBD accepts stakes (escrow deposits) of a specific type of token. Then, it applies rules to control unstaking (by the contributor) or claiming (by the deal sponsor).
The Sponsor constructs a Deal, with an NFT and terms for stakers. The deal becomes active for staking, reaches a close, and might be claimed.
$ forge test
$ forge script script/DeployAccountV3TBD.s.sol:AccountV3TBDScript --rpc-url <rpc_url> --private-key <private_key>
$ forge script script/DeployDealNFT.s.sol:DealScript --rpc-url <rpc_url> --private-key <private_key>