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Théophile MADET edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the Tapir wiki!

Here I (Théo) will try to define what our needs are in terms of documentation and propose an outline of the documentation's structure to serve as a discussion base. Once the team agrees on a place, format and process, the intention is for the documentation effort to be distributed among the team.


The goals are to :

  • enable current developers to do more
  • facilate the welcoming of new members
  • ensure the maintainability of Tapir through time and changes within the team

In order to work toward those goals, we intend to document how to develop, test, and deploy Tapir.

Linked with the documentation on Tapir development are two other user groups : data analysis and member office. Ideally, we would find a way to avoid repeated work and inconsistencies between these documentations. However, in order to help the current dev team members faster, I suggest that we work toward that goal in a second step.

An overview of previous documentation efforts is available on this page.

Outline proposal

Following our meeting on the 05.06.24 (notes), I suggest to start with the following content: