this code implements the method proposed in paper "Attention Graph Convolution Network for Image Segmentation in Big SAR Imagery Data". if it helps you, please kindly cite this paper.
- run "python ", to generate the ground truth data from GT.image
- run "python" to train and test our model,and print the pixel-level Evaluation Metrics
train, test our AGCN, and calculate the pixel-level Evaluation Metrics(Kappa, precison, recall, and confusion matrix). Note: as comparison, this file also provide the code of GCN and GAT. If you want to see the results of GAT or GCN, set two parameters "model_nm" and "model" as GAT or GCN
generate the ground truth for training the Network
define the layers
the trained feature_extraction_net
define graph convolution Network
train the feature_extraction_net
define the function for calculating pixel-level Evaluation Metrics
the code runs in python 2.7
any problem please email me : [email protected]