A highly customizable statusline in (neo)vim.
中文文档: README
GitHub Repository: HicusLine
Gitee Repository: HicusLine
One of best way to install it is to use vim-plug:
Plug 'Styadev/HicusLine'
You can run :help hicusline
in (neo)vim to get the help document about configuration.
If you not want to spend much time on it,you can see my configuration. e.g.:
highlight GitStatusAdd ctermfg=142 ctermbg=239 guifg=#98C379 guibg=#44475A
highlight GitStatusMod ctermfg=214 ctermbg=239 guifg=#FABD2F guibg=#44475A
highlight GitStatusDel ctermfg=167 ctermbg=239 guifg=#FB4934 guibg=#44475A
set laststatus=2
let g:HicusLineEnabled = 1
let g:HicusColorSetWay = 1
let g:HicusLine = {
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ 'modehighlight', 'space', 'filename', 'truncate', 'space',
\ 'spell', '%#infos#', 'gitinfo', 0, 'modified', 'readonly',
\ 'space', '%#ErrorStatus#', 'errorstatus', 'space',
\ '%#WarningStatus#', 'warningstatus', 'bufferline', 'truncate',
\ 'gitmodified' ],
\ 'right': [ 'filetype3', 'space', '%#infos#', 'space', 'fileencoding',
\ 'space', "%{exists('*CapsLockStatusline')".
\ "?CapsLockStatusline():''}" , 'space', 'fileformat',
\ 'truncate', 'space', 'modehighlight', 'space', 'linenumber',
\ ':', 'bufferlinesnumber', 'space', 'windowpercentage',
\ 'space' ],
\ },
\ 'basic_option': {
\ 'ErrorSign': '●',
\ 'WarningSign': '●'
\ }
let g:HicusLineMode = {
\ 'n': [ '', 'normalmode', { 'infos': 'normalinfos', }, ],
\ 'i': [ '', 'insertmode', { 'infos': 'otherinfos', }, ],
\ 'R': [ '', 'replacemode', { 'infos': 'otherinfos', }, ],
\ 'v': [ '', 'visualmode', { 'infos': 'otherinfos', }, ],
\ 'V': [ '', 'visualmode', { 'infos': 'otherinfos', }, ],
\ "\<C-v>": [ '', 'visualmode', { 'infos': 'otherinfos', }, ],
\ 'c': [ '', 'commandmode', { 'infos': 'otherinfos', }, ],
\ 's': [ '', 'normalmode', { 'infos': 'normalinfos', }, ],
\ 'S': [ '', 'normalmode', { 'infos': 'normalinfos', }, ],
\ "\<C-s>": [ '', 'normalmode', { 'infos': 'normalinfos', }, ],
\ 't': [ '', 'normalmode', { 'infos': 'normalinfos', }, ]
let g:HicusColor = {
\ 'StatusLine': [ 'none', '#8BE9FD', '#44475A', ],
\ 'normalmode': [ 'bold', '#282A36', '#BD93F9', ],
\ 'insertmode': [ 'bold', '#282A36', '#50FA7B', ],
\ 'visualmode': [ 'bold', '#282A36', '#FFB86C', ],
\ 'replacemode': [ 'bold', '#282A36', '#FF5555', ],
\ 'commandmode': [ 'bold', '#C6C6C6', '#3A81C3', ],
\ 'normalinfos': [ 'none', '#FFFFFF', '#6272A4', ],
\ 'otherinfos': [ 'none', '#44475A', '#8BE9FD', ],
\ 'ErrorStatus': [ 'none', '#FF0033', '#44475A', ],
\ 'WarningStatus': [ 'none', '#FFCC00', '#44475A', ],
\ 'HicusBuffer': [ 'none', '#FFFFFF', '#44475A', ],
\ 'HicusCurrentBuffer': [ 'bold', '#FFFFFF', 'none', ]