This plugin adds the "Sign-in with Google / Facebook / Github / Linkedin / Windows Live" buttons on the login page. The first time the user login with a social account, a new Moodle account is created.
- add the plugin into /auth/googleoauth2/
- run the Moodle upgrade
- in the Moodle administration, enable the plugin (Admin block > Plugins > Authentication)
- in the plugin settings, follow the displayed instructions. or just install the plugin from repository plugin page
- add your third party provider for Oauth2 client as explain in
- create /classes/provider/newprovidername.php and newprovidername_redirect.php. Then add the lang strings in /lang/en/auth_googleoauth2.php and add the provider name to lib.php:provider_list (if you have time you can change the function logic to automatically load the classes from the provider folder and then send me a pull request, thanks :))
In order to store the user access tokens, you must set the config with: set_config('saveaccesstoken', 1, 'auth/googleoauth2');
Then you can use them in your own plugin. The Oauth2 plugin also trigger an event on login. You can retrieve the access token from it too.
The plugin includes the 'vendor' folder (so don't need to run composer).
If you do any change related to composer, here is what need to be done:
- Install composer.phar: curl -sS | php
- Install the 'vendor' folder: php composer.phar install
- apply the changes listed in VENDOR
PS: if you need to know more about composer, you can read Composer Namespaces in 5 Minutes
- Contributors
- The PHP League oauth2 client
- Pixelfear dropbox support
- Depotwarehouse support
- Guzzle
- illuminate contracts
- Symfony EventDispatcher
To like the plugin, go to the repository plugin page, login and click on 'Add to my Favorites'. Find other ways to contribute on the github plugin page.