This is a place where features are managed across all Storyous systems. Purpose of this repository is to provide a convenient, easy to use and one standard way how to turn on/off separate features only for some merchants, tariffs, environments, versions of POS and so on. This repository is used as a configuration for our features service application, which works as provider of features evaluation for all our other systems.
As an online editor you can use JSON Editor Online.
This repository consists of two main files at the moment of writing this readme file.
- features.json
- tariffs.json
This is main configuration file. All the features goes there. Every feature in JSON is an array of string values.
feature: ["test", "pre"]
- Applies only for test and pre environment.
feature: ["5315eb206c14b390ac60331e"]
- Applies for specific merchant by it's merchantId.
feature: ["tariff:profi,standard"]
- Applies for tariffs in groups profi and standard as set in tariffs.json file.
feature: ["tariffId:553a61b39bfb20160000000b"]
- Applies only for specified tariffs by it's tariffId.
feature: ["merchantId:55af5394e58fd6480000016e,55af5394e58fd64800000004"]
- Applies for list of merchantIds.
feature: ["pos>=4.130"]
- Applies for version of POS greater and equal to 4.130.
- List of comparators which may also be used:
feature: ["pos>=4.130"]
- is greater and equal tofeature: ["pos=4.130"]
- is onyl equal tofeature: ["pos<=4.130"]
- is lesser and equal tofeature: ["pos>4.130"]
- is greater thanfeature: ["pos<4.130"]
- is lesser than
Lists of tariffs separated logically into groups.