Scripts behind published genomics analysis.
Van Belleghem SM, Cole JM, Montejo‐Kovacevich G, Bacquet CN, McMillan WO, Papa R & Counterman BA (2021) Selection and isolation define a heterogeneous divergence landscape between hybridizing Heliconius butterflies. Evolution 75(9): 2251-2268.
Ruggieri AA, LivraghiL, Lewis JJ, Evans E, Cicconardi F, Hebberecht L, Montgomery S, Ghezzi A, Rodriguez-Martinez JA, Jiggins CD, McMillan WO, Counterman BA, Papa R & Van Belleghem SM (2022) A butterfly pan-genome reveals a large amount of structural variation underlies the evolution of chromatin accessibility. Genome Research 32: 1862-1875.