It's a bit like Mini Metro.
Gameplay Video:
- Build tracks to connect stations and take passengers.
- The coloured dots against stations and trains shows you how many passengers there are and where they want to go.
- Passengers will automatically embark and alight if the train touches a station.
- Buy a train buy clicking on the Buy Train icon.
- It's game over if you run out of money or there's more than 8 passengers waiting at a station.
- If two trains on different tracks are about to collide, they will both pause for a few seconds.
- Stations are randomly placed, and more stations are added over time.
- The mountains are obstacles and will block trains
- If the start and end points of a track are close enough together, trains will loop round
- Trains cost $1 per second to run
- Passengers give you money when they get to their destination
- Press J to build a new junction where the mouse is pointing. If you've got a junction currently selected, it will connect them with track, otherwise it will start a new track.
- Drag junctions to move them and the connecting track
- I to insert a junction after the selected junction
- Right-click to deselect a junction.
- Del to delete the selected junction
- F1 to toggle Full-Screen
- The colour of the tracks is only to distinguish them, it has no bearing on the game.
Created using Godot.