We are building a webapp where people can have their own homepage and post stories. It is called Cool story bro
. It has multiple pages
- Signup & Login pages
- A page with a list of homepages of different users
- A detail page for a homepage where you can view a users' stories
- A page where you can view your own homepage
- A form where you can edit your homepage
- A form where you can post a story
- The default page you see when you go to
should be a list of homepages - Each homepage is displayed in the colors their users have customized
- There is a button linking to the details of that homepage
- When we click on the
Visit page
button of a homepage we see the details of a homepage - On this detail page we can see the stories belonging to that homepage
- When you are logged in, there should be a link in the navbar to
My page
- When you click that link you see the page belonging in to your user and its stories
- Ideally, we add the user's homepage to the information being fetched when we login
- That means modifying the
endpoints to also send your homepage in the response - Alternatively fetch the data from the endpoint set up for feature #2 (detail page)
- When you sign up for a new account, a homepage should be created for you.
- The homepage is set up with some default values:
- title:
${user.name}'s homepage
- description: null
- backgroundColor: #ffffff (white)
- color: #000000 (black)
- title:
- You'll have to modify the existing
endpoint to make this happen
5. As a logged in user I want to be able to post stories on homepage, so I can share my adventures with the world
- You should be able to post a story on your homepage
- In the
My page
section there should be a button toPost a cool story bro
- When you click this button a form appears so you can post a story
- You should only be able to do this when you are logged in
- Your homepage has a title, description backgroundColor and color. You should be able to change those
- In the
My page
section there should be a button toEdit my page
- When you click this button a form appears so you can edit your page
- You should only be able to do this if you're logged in