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Beta 9

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@YerayAlonso YerayAlonso released this 23 May 08:13
· 242 commits to master since this release
  • Demos

    New examples have been added to both GitHub repository and TeeBI installer:

    • BIDataSet_Speed speed comparison between standard TDataset (TFDMemTable) and TBIDataSet
    • Export example to show the different formats to output a TeeBI TDataItem (Csv, Html, JSON, Xml, Excel, PDF)
    • Grid example to show all possibilities of TBIGrid control (grouping, sorting, filtering and searching)
    • Master-Detail demo displays two BIGrid controls with master-detail linked TBIDatasets
    • Speed demo is a benchmark of several TeeBI features (adding, deleting records, queries, saving, loading, etc)
    • Online BIWeb adds a new example to obtain a live HTML5 Javascript chart from BIWeb server
  • IDE Help

    • A compiled TeeBI API reference help file in CHM format has been included.
      This file is a mirror or TeeBI API online html documentation
  • BIWeb server

    • More information (data size and modified time) is returned when requesting a list of all available data sources:

    • Logs are now optionally persisted under a customizable ".\Logs" folder.
      Data in BIWeb logs is saved in standard binary TDataItem format, so they can be loaded, queried and analyzed like as any other TDataItem data.

    • Public folders can be optionally enabled to use BIWeb server as a file provider (for any kind of file).
      The "root" public folder is named ".\Public" default.

    For example, a picture is available under .\public\img folder at Steema's BIWeb server:

    • Live HTML5 Javascript charts are now returned by BIWeb server, just specifying ".html5" as the requested format in the URL.
      For example: this link returns a summary query as a live chart.
    • Grand Totals is a new experimental feature to return totalizers for numeric columns, by adding the "totals=xxx" parameter in the URL, being "xxx" the requested aggregator (for example "sum" or "count")

    Totals Example, last row is the grand total sum

  • TBIGrid

    Several new features in TBIGrid (VCL only for most of them) to improve the display of TDataItem data objects.

    • New local grid menu, accessible by clicking the top-left most grid cell. This menu is optional and offers menu items to control the following features:
    • "Alternate" property to paint grid row backgrounds in alternate colors
    • "Filters" property to display a top row of edit boxes and combo boxes, one for each grid column, to enable filtering grid rows that match the typed characters.
    • Grouping: A grid column can be used to group data based on distinct values of the selected column.
      When grouping, a secondary grid appears side to the main grid with the list of values. Selecting a row filters and displays the data rows that belong to the selected group value. For example show Customers group by Country, filters Customers for each Country.
    • "RowNumbers" property to display the row IDs numbers as an extra grid column
    • "Search" property to display an edit box to enable highlighting grid cells that match the typed text.
    • New "OnDataChange" event that is called whenever the grid is refreshed after filtering or grouping.
  • BI.Arrays

    • For 32bit applications only, all array index access has been converted to use 32bit Integer instead of 64bit.
      (Use of 64bit Integer was not necessary and not optimized for 32bit)
    • Added missing "Insert" method for TBooleanArray and TTextArray types.
  • HTML Exporting

    • New FloatFormat property to customize the html output of float values (default is "0.##")
  • BI.Data.PDF

    • Several improvements for better text positioning and more accurate calculation of total PDF pages for large documents, when displaying the "page N of M" annotations.
  • BI.Data

    • New MissingCount function in TMissingData class returns the number of items that are Missing (null)

    ShowMessage('There are '+IntToStr( MyData.Missing.MissingCount )+' missing items in '+MyData.Name)

    • New Insert method at TDataItem adds a new empty "row" at the specified Index position. It also recursively inserts a new row in sub-tables if they exist.

    MyData.Insert( 10 ) // adds a new row at position 10 (count starts at zero)

    • Several public fields have been converted to read-only properties to prevent unintented modification.
  • BI.Data.Search

    • New Index property in TDataSearch class enables searching or filtering values from a subset of the total data rows.
      The Index array determines the row IDs to consider when searching or filtering.
  • TSQLParser

    • Parsing SQL now returns TDataItem instances that contain the SQL query as a "Provider" object.
      This means the SQL query is not automatically executed at the time the SQL is parsed, but it will be executed in delay-mode, the first time data is necessary (accessed via LoadData).
  • TBIDataSet

    • New RowNumbers boolean property (default is False), when True the dataset adds a new colum with the effective Row numbers.
      This might be useful to show the row IDs when the dataset is filtered or sorted, where IDs would not be a sequence.
    • Editing support

    BIDataSet now supports the standard inserting, deleting and modificating mechanism that can be used by code (BIDataSet.Insert, etc) or by manually editing cells on a DBGrid or BIGrid control.

  • TDateTimePartExpression

    • New "DecadeOfYear" enum to return the decade part of a TDateTime (from 1 to 10)
  • Multi-CPU / Multi-Thread support

    • Initial support for multi-thread (parallel CPU) operations using TDataItem datas.
      Queries can be executed in parallel, for example using System.Thread TParallel.For loops, Futures or Tasks.
  • TBIChart

    • New Fill overload method to pass a TDataCursor object. This enables creating a chart with only the subset of data rows specified in the Cursor Index, and with the optional Cursor sorting.
  • New TDataMapAsData parameters to optionally return the map values sorted.

  • Miscellaneous fixes and speed improvements, specially at Logical and Arithmetic BI Expression classes.