Beta 9
New examples have been added to both GitHub repository and TeeBI installer:
- BIDataSet_Speed speed comparison between standard TDataset (TFDMemTable) and TBIDataSet
- Export example to show the different formats to output a TeeBI TDataItem (Csv, Html, JSON, Xml, Excel, PDF)
- Grid example to show all possibilities of TBIGrid control (grouping, sorting, filtering and searching)
- Master-Detail demo displays two BIGrid controls with master-detail linked TBIDatasets
- Speed demo is a benchmark of several TeeBI features (adding, deleting records, queries, saving, loading, etc)
- Online BIWeb adds a new example to obtain a live HTML5 Javascript chart from BIWeb server
IDE Help
- A compiled TeeBI API reference help file in CHM format has been included.
This file is a mirror or TeeBI API online html documentation
- A compiled TeeBI API reference help file in CHM format has been included.
BIWeb server
More information (data size and modified time) is returned when requesting a list of all available data sources:
Logs are now optionally persisted under a customizable ".\Logs" folder.
Data in BIWeb logs is saved in standard binary TDataItem format, so they can be loaded, queried and analyzed like as any other TDataItem data. -
Public folders can be optionally enabled to use BIWeb server as a file provider (for any kind of file).
The "root" public folder is named ".\Public" default.
For example, a picture is available under .\public\img folder at Steema's BIWeb server:
- Live HTML5 Javascript charts are now returned by BIWeb server, just specifying ".html5" as the requested format in the URL.
For example: this link returns a summary query as a live chart. - Grand Totals is a new experimental feature to return totalizers for numeric columns, by adding the "totals=xxx" parameter in the URL, being "xxx" the requested aggregator (for example "sum" or "count")
Several new features in TBIGrid (VCL only for most of them) to improve the display of TDataItem data objects.
- New local grid menu, accessible by clicking the top-left most grid cell. This menu is optional and offers menu items to control the following features:
- "Alternate" property to paint grid row backgrounds in alternate colors
- "Filters" property to display a top row of edit boxes and combo boxes, one for each grid column, to enable filtering grid rows that match the typed characters.
- Grouping: A grid column can be used to group data based on distinct values of the selected column.
When grouping, a secondary grid appears side to the main grid with the list of values. Selecting a row filters and displays the data rows that belong to the selected group value. For example show Customers group by Country, filters Customers for each Country. - "RowNumbers" property to display the row IDs numbers as an extra grid column
- "Search" property to display an edit box to enable highlighting grid cells that match the typed text.
- New "OnDataChange" event that is called whenever the grid is refreshed after filtering or grouping.
- For 32bit applications only, all array index access has been converted to use 32bit Integer instead of 64bit.
(Use of 64bit Integer was not necessary and not optimized for 32bit) - Added missing "Insert" method for TBooleanArray and TTextArray types.
- For 32bit applications only, all array index access has been converted to use 32bit Integer instead of 64bit.
HTML Exporting
- New FloatFormat property to customize the html output of float values (default is "0.##")
- Several improvements for better text positioning and more accurate calculation of total PDF pages for large documents, when displaying the "page N of M" annotations.
- New MissingCount function in TMissingData class returns the number of items that are Missing (null)
ShowMessage('There are '+IntToStr( MyData.Missing.MissingCount )+' missing items in '+MyData.Name)
- New Insert method at TDataItem adds a new empty "row" at the specified Index position. It also recursively inserts a new row in sub-tables if they exist.
MyData.Insert( 10 ) // adds a new row at position 10 (count starts at zero)
- Several public fields have been converted to read-only properties to prevent unintented modification.
- New Index property in TDataSearch class enables searching or filtering values from a subset of the total data rows.
The Index array determines the row IDs to consider when searching or filtering.
- New Index property in TDataSearch class enables searching or filtering values from a subset of the total data rows.
- Parsing SQL now returns TDataItem instances that contain the SQL query as a "Provider" object.
This means the SQL query is not automatically executed at the time the SQL is parsed, but it will be executed in delay-mode, the first time data is necessary (accessed via LoadData).
- Parsing SQL now returns TDataItem instances that contain the SQL query as a "Provider" object.
- New RowNumbers boolean property (default is False), when True the dataset adds a new colum with the effective Row numbers.
This might be useful to show the row IDs when the dataset is filtered or sorted, where IDs would not be a sequence. - Editing support
BIDataSet now supports the standard inserting, deleting and modificating mechanism that can be used by code (BIDataSet.Insert, etc) or by manually editing cells on a DBGrid or BIGrid control.
- New RowNumbers boolean property (default is False), when True the dataset adds a new colum with the effective Row numbers.
- New "DecadeOfYear" enum to return the decade part of a TDateTime (from 1 to 10)
Multi-CPU / Multi-Thread support
- Initial support for multi-thread (parallel CPU) operations using TDataItem datas.
Queries can be executed in parallel, for example using System.Thread TParallel.For loops, Futures or Tasks.
- Initial support for multi-thread (parallel CPU) operations using TDataItem datas.
- New Fill overload method to pass a TDataCursor object. This enables creating a chart with only the subset of data rows specified in the Cursor Index, and with the optional Cursor sorting.
New TDataMapAsData parameters to optionally return the map values sorted.
Miscellaneous fixes and speed improvements, specially at Logical and Arithmetic BI Expression classes.