AST Version 8.7.1
Main changes since v8.6.3:
A new subclass of Region called "Moc" has been added. A Moc describes an arbitrary region of the sky in the form of a set of HEALPix cells using the IVOA Multi-Order Coverage scheme. Version 1.1 of the the MOC recommendation is supported, including string and JSON encoded of MOCs.
A new subclass of Channel called "MocChan" has been added. This works with the Moc class to provide further options for reading and writing MOCs as strings.
The FitsChan class will now read FITS-WCS headers that have alternate axis descriptions but no primary axis descriptions.
The Region class has a new method called astGetRegionDisc, which returns the centre and radius of a disc that just encloses a 2-dimensional Region.
The Bounded attribute defined by the Region class is now always non-zero for Regions defined within a SkyFrame, regardless of whether the Region has been negated. Previously, it was non-zero only if the Region had not been negated. Note, this change only affects Regions defined within SkyFrames.