The sample app is ready for use but you need to build an iOS project to test it.
Please follow step 4 - 7 in order to build the project.
If you want test the Chartboost integration please refer to the Chartboost section in the end of this readme file.
Open AppSplashScreen scene and choose ApplicasaStartObjectForSession Connect it to ApplicasaStart.cs script (File located under Assets/Applicasa)
You need Xcode in order to build your project. (Download Xcode from the app store
- Download Unity SDK (
- Unzip & Copy folders to main project root.
- Unzip from Assest/Plugins/iOS/.
- Make sure you edit your bundle Identifier in the Build Setting-> iOS-> Player Setting.
- If you use Facebook please refer to the Applicasa Facebook guide now (in the end of this readme file).
- Click “Build & Run” in unity and then cancel when it reaches Xcode.
- Copy the 3 folders from Assest/Plugins/iOS/ (ApplicasaFramework, ApplicasaSDK, ApplicasaUnity) to your Xcode project under classes folder (Make sure you drag/copy the files to Xcode and not in finder, then select “Copy files” option).
- Go to: Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries -> "+" -> Choose StoreKit.framework, libsqlite3.0.dylib, CoreLocation.framework,social.framework, accounts.framework, adSupport.framework, security.framework.
- Go to: Build settings -> search ”other linker flags” - > "+" -> Add -ObjC -all_load.
####Done! Run the project!
Check the Xcode log to see that everything is ready. Good luck!
LiLog 11:29:39.530: ENABLE_SANDBOX = YES: LiLog 11:29:39.530: Applicasa Debug OFF ... LiLog 11:29:40.395: Finished Initialize Applicasa LiLog 11:29:47.532: Finished Initialize Applicasa with In App Purchase LiLog 11:29:47.532: Applicasa session start LiLog 11:29:47.616: Checking promo For Event userReturnSession = 1201 LiLog 11:29:47.621: Checking promo For Event appStart = 1100
Open the file /Assets/Editor/ApplicasaPostProcess.cs.
Change the contents of the constant “FACEBOOKID” to your own application’s facebook App Id.
- This will automatically setup facebook connect into your xcode project in your next build.
You can use Chartboost messages in Applicasa’s promotion, you just need a Chartboost account and set one of your promotion to “Chartboost” type.
- Download & unzip both Applicasa’s Chartboost framework ( and Chartboost library ( and drag and drop the folders to your xCode project under ApplicasaFramework folder. (Select Copy files option)
- If you use the sample app both files are located in the project under Assets/Plugins/iOS/ApplicasaFramework/LiChartboost.framework
Open Classes/ApplicasaSDK/LiManager/LiConfig.h.
Edit the file:
define CHARTBOOST_ID @"App ID" (Chartboost sample app id for test:4f21c409cd1cb2fb7000001b)
define CHARTBOOST_SIGNATURE @"App signature" (sample for test: 92e2de2fd7070327bdeb54c15a5295309c6fcd2d)
- Go to: Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries -> "+" -> Choose adSupport and set it as optional.
- Open Build Settings ->player settings -> publishing setting -> select browse keystore -> select the keystore "unitySample.keystore". Keystore password 123456, key Password 123456
Download Unity SDK (
Unzip & Copy folders to main project root.
Go to assets/plugins/Android/ and open the AndroidManivest35 or AndroidManifest4 file, replace all {yourPackage} with your game Package (3 occurences), and save as AndroidManifest.xml
##Done! Run the project!
4. Click build & run.
*You can open Android DDMS to see android logcat it should look like:
##In App Purchase :
- Open the file /Assets/Plugins/Android/assets/ApplicasaConfig.xml
- change "ENABLE_IAP" value to true
- change "GOOGLE_PLAY_PUBLIC_KEY" value to the google play public key (from google play developer console).
- Open the file /Assets/Plugins/Android/assets/ApplicasaConfig.xml
- change "ENABLE_FACEBOOK" value to true
- change "FB_APPLICATION_KEY" value to Facebook app ID.
- You should sign your keystore as
- Download Chartboost library ( and drag and drop the .jar file to /Assets/Plugins/Android/
- Open the file /Assets/Plugins/Android/assets/ApplicasaConfig.xml
- change "ENABLE_CHARTBOOST" value to true
- change "CHARTBOOST_ID" value to chartboost ID.
- change "CHARTBOOST_SIGNATURE" value to chart boost key.