Welcome to the Open Source Project! We meet every Wednesday on Discord at 5:30pm. We're excited to build something amazing together!
Project Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mQmhqu-vUGuBPI9OOYplPoU0yFRHXkM2SMmblyB4Oes/edit
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfNIrfKtb6fut7t3OrJvnJA
GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/91593550/RZdbkV1g
Discord: https://discord.gg/4YgPUWwQkM
William Sirotkin - Discord: @williamsirotkin
Raymond Feckoury - Discord: @RaymondFeckoury
Jake Hubbard - Discord: @Jacobo#5346
Jeffrey Li - Discord: @bigballslmao#6075
Shahbin (SHA) Hossain - Discord: @KnightKi113RX#7372
Steven Tran - Discord: @steventran#6575
Cooper Bocko - Discord: @Cooperbok
Jason Waryold - Discord: @Saarhi#9647
Chase Pitser - Discord: @MarstonMania#1624
Vansh Arora - Discord: @vansharora03#7809
Deepesh Nimma - Discord: @nottcurious#4351
Dhruv Patel - Discord: @dhruvthepatel#3120
Stephen Nemeth - Discord: @stephennemeth_#5071
Turjoy Paul - Discord: @Firedynex#9301
Ashwin Pillai - Dicord: @Ash1729#1620
Jason Dinh - Discord: Sonozaki#0017