Use any http.Handler
implementation of your choice. Register the handler for a given path using the server.RegisterHandler
Check out these premade handlers to get you going!
To stop the server send the program an SIGINT
- either natively through another process or with a Ctrl-C
Stopping the server is not "graceful" - it does not await any open connections and will likely attempt to close down IO/handles without consideration of consumers waiting their results.
Deploy production-grade cert files (backed by a trusted CA) to the same machine as the server binary.
Load them in and pass them to the server.Run
NOTE Still in process of testing.
This is a very high-level server library. Using it requires the import and use of a single Run
import (
func main() {
const portEnvKey = "APP_PORT"
os.Setenv(portEnvKey, "4430") // Default
// TODO Import your desired handlers and register them here
// e.g. if importing the 'app' handler, use
// _ = app.New()
var certs []tls.Certificate
// TODO Load your cert and key or skip and just use
// cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(cert, key)
// if err != nil {
// // Handle a certificate server failure for your app here
// }
// certs = []tls.Certificate{cert}
ctx, cancelContext := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
address, serverErrorChannel := server.Run(ctx, &certs, portEnvKey)
// Do other stuff while your server runs
// Wait for your server to close (through a signal or internal error)
serverError := <-serverErrorChannel
if serverError.Close != nil {
// Handle closing server error
contextError := serverError.Context.Error()
if serverError.Context.Error() != nil {
// Handle server failing unexpectedly