This is a developer documentation. If you want to analyze source code in SonarQube read the following documentation:
- Scala language: analysis of Scala documentation
This analyzer is built on top of SLang (SonarSource Language). SLang is a framework to quickly develop code analyzers for SonarQube to help developers write Clean Code.
SLang defines language-agnostic AST. Using this AST we can develop simple syntax-based rules. Then we use a parser for real language to create this AST. Currently, Ruby and Scala analyzers use this approach.
We use Scalameta to parse the Scala language.
For Scala files, we will import both Scoverage and JaCoCo coverage reports. Note that this will result in strange behavior since:
- Only line coverage will be used from the Scoverage report.
- JaCoCo can be imprecise when computing conditions coverage on Scala code, generating FP (typically on pattern matching).
This situation only applies to two Scala files, this current situation is acceptable.
To provide feedback (request a feature, report a bug, etc.) use the SonarQube Community Forum. Please do not forget to specify the language, plugin version, and SonarQube version.
Build and run Unit Tests:
./gradlew build
By default, Integration Tests (ITs) are skipped during builds. If you want to run them, you need first to retrieve the related projects which are used as input:
git submodule update --init its/sources
Then build and run the Integration Tests using the its
./gradlew build -Pits --info --no-daemon
You can also build and run only Ruling Tests using the ruling
./gradlew build -Pruling --info --no-daemon
./gradlew build -x test publishToMavenLocal
find "$HOME/.m2/repository/org/sonarsource/slang/sonar-scala-plugin" -ls
Furthermore, there are files such as
that spotless ignores.
Scala source files are not handled.
For those files use a manual script like below to update the license. E.g., for Scala files (on Mac):
`find . -type f -name "*.scala" -exec sed -i '' 's/2018-2023/2018-2024/' "{}" \;`