Copyright 2024 Snowflake Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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This is an okta authentication wrapper library to implement oauth2.0 authentication & authorization in your streamlit application.
- Install following python libraries
- Install node + npm, to build the custom component
- Build the custom component
cd streamlit_okta/components/oauth
npm install
npm run build
Register Client Application in your Okta Before you can implement authorization, you need to register your app in Okta by creating an app integration from the Admin Console.
- In the Admin Console, go to Applications > Applications.
- Click Create App Integration.
- Select OIDC - OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method.
- Select Web Application as the Application type, then click Next.
- Specify the App integration name.
- Specify the Sign-in redirect URIs to redirect the user with their authorization code.
- Fill in the remaining details for your app integration, then click Save.
From the General tab of your app integration, save the generated Client ID and Client secret values to implement your authorization flow.
- Clone the repository
git clone <git_repo_url>
- Move streamlit_okta folder to your project directory
- Import okta_login_wrapper function into your code
from streamlit_okta import okta_login_wrapper
okta_config = {
"okta_base_url": "",
"client_id": "",
"client_secret": "",
"redirect_uri": "",
1. okta_config (dict)
okta_base_url - okta domain url (ex. -
redirect_uri - redirect url mentioned in okta configuration. It is same as streamlit url (in case of local machine - http://localhost:8501)
2. app (callback function) - contains application business logic
okta_login_wrapper(okta_config, app)
Refer [](<git_repo_url>/blob/main/