This release contains major changes related to Tcp stack, HTTP client and servers and Websocket processing.
Major Changes
- Refactored HttpClient and HttpServer. See details (#1112).
- Support for SSL session resumption in TcpConnection and TcpServer.
- Custom PWM is enabled by default.
- Multiple fixes to issues reported from Codacy's Vera++ and CppCheck reports.
And much more. All merged PRs in this release can be seen from here
Backwards-incompatible changes
- Removed deprecated Station::waitConnection. If you need to migrate see how to use WifiEvents instead
- WebSocket is renamed to WebSocketConnection to reflect better its meaning and intended use.
- Removed the tightly coupled websocket methods inside the HttpServer. You can use WebSocketResource and add it to the HttpServer resource tree to achieve the same results.
- Moved writeInit(), writeFlash(const u8 *data, u16 size) and writeEnd() methods from rBootHttpUpdate to rBootItemOutputStream.
- TemplateFileStream::setVarsFromRequest needs to be refactored completely. The current code couples TemplateFileStream to HttpRequest, which is too restrictive. TemplateFileStream::setVars method should be introduced that accepts HashMap<String,String>
- HttpRequest::getRequestMethod() is removed. Use HttpRequest::method instead.
- CommandExecutor with WebsocketConnection won't work.
For a complete list of changes run the following command:
git log 3.2.0..3.3.0
Thanks to everyone who helped us in this new release.