In this document will be described the configuration options made available to the user.
Configuration can be done at different levels, be it prior to build, prior to deployment or at runtime. Depending on the type of usage you are planning to do, we recommand configuring a different part of the application:
- At the runtime (
), to configure environment variable overriding. - At the operator level (
), to modify the base configuration at deployment. - At the top level (
), to configure the chart deployment. - At the image level (
), to provision a base config for the application.
In a last part, we'll describe the external configuration we provide:
- A Prometheus configuration (
) - A Grafana configuration (
This is the common value file, containing what will be used to generate the rating-operator manifests from the templates located in ./helm-charts/rating
## The security part of the configuration is related to your cluster authentication method (cert files, token, non local users management)
# The "auth" flag enables TLS/HTTPS verification in the component
# Enable it if your cluster uses HTTPS
auth: "false"
# The "adminToken" string configure the application security key
# It is used for administrator requests to the rating-operator-api and as a secret key for session encoding
admin: thisisadmintoken
# The "adminAccount" variable defines the which tenant is considered super-admin.
# Usually, the default "admin" is enough. Some external applications already using the "admin" name could motivate to change this parameter.
# Don't forget to edit the Grafana deployment accordingly, to syncronise both adminAccount values.
# the super-admin account password is the same with Grafana password
adminAccount: admin
# To authentication users in Rating operator three options are possible
# Choose one authentication option from the three options (local/ldap/keycloak)
authentication_type: ldap
# If you set authentication_type to ldap, set the following configuration information of keycloak
## Below the configuration for the ldap server
serverUrl: "ldap://openldap.ns1.svc.cluster.local:389"
adminpassword: ""
ldap_schema: "ou=Tenants,dc=example,dc=org"
# If you set authentication_type to keycloak, set the following configuration information of keycloak
## Below the configuration for the Keycloak server
# serverUrl: "http://keycloak.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/auth/"
# clientID: Rating
# realmName: "Rating operator"
# clientSecretKey: "your client secret key"
## Location of the prometheus component
service: prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus
namespace: monitoring
schema: http
domain: svc.cluster.local
port: 9090
## Configuration of the api component
# Pod name
name: api
# Below lies the name of the postgresql pod running along the rating-operator-api
postgres_hostname: "{{ .Release.Name }}-postgresql-headless"
postgres_secret: "{{ .Release.Name }}-postgresql"
# Image tags
# These options are mostly for developpers
# Base values should satisfy user needs
pullPolicy: Always
tag: master-test-2
# Resources allocation
# Leaving empty is fine, use only if you know what you are doing, as lack of resources can starve the operator
affinity: {}
nodeSelector: {}
resources: {}
tolerations: []
# rating-operator-api service configuration
# To be used to expose the api to the web
port: 80
type: ClusterIP
# The rating-operator supports rook-ceph and longhorn storageClasses out of the box
# Follow the rating-operator documentation for more details about their installation and configuration.
# Different storageClass / provider could be used, but we do not warranty positive results.
storageClass: longhorn
# This value configuration where to reach the metering-operator storage system
# Do not modify if you don't have a specific need
# The usage of metering-operator is deprecated
presto_database_uri: presto://[email protected]:8080/hive/metering
# Storage pod configuration
# Uses a compressed bitnami/postgresql chart
# See for more options
storageClass: longhorn
storageClass: longhorn
storageClass: longhorn
enabled: true
# As mentionned above, rating-operator support rook-ceph and longhorn out of the box
storageClass: longhorn
# Both password and PostgresPassword have to be set if your postgresqlUsername is "postgres"
postgresqlUsername: postgres
postgresqlPassword: notasecret
postgresqlPostgresPassword: notasecret
# Openshift/OKD specifics
# Modify only if you have trouble allocating / RBAC problems with your storage pod on Openshift
# securityContext:
# enabled: true
# fsGroup: 1000600000
# runAsUser: 1000600000
# volumePermissions:
# enabled: false
# securityContext:
# runAsUser: 1000600000
## Configuration of the manager component
# Pod name
name: manager
# Image tags
# Mostly for developpers, the base values should satisfy user needs
pullPolicy: Always
tag: master
# Resources allocation
# Leaving empty is fine, use only if you know what you are doing, as lack of resources can starve the operator
affinity: {}
nodeSelector: {}
resources: {}
tolerations: []
## Configuration of the engine component
# Pod name
name: engine
# Image tags
# Mostly for developpers, the base values should satisfy user needs
pullPolicy: Always
tag: master
# Resources allocation
# Leaving empty is fine, use only if you know what you are doing, as lack of resources can starve the operator
affinity: {}
nodeSelector: {}
resources: {}
tolerations: []
## Configuration of the frontend component
# Grafana is used as the base frontend for the rating-operator
# The address to which you'll be redirected once logged in through the rating-operator
url: "localhost:3000"
# If you try to connect a different frontend to the application, this might be needed
allowOrigin: "*"
# Grafana configuration
# Password for the administrator account
password: prom-operator
# The address toward which the requests made to Grafana will be directed
backend: "prometheus-grafana.monitoring.svc.cluster.local"
# Helpers for cookies
# Grafana session through HTTPS requires specific cookie handling
domain: ""
httponly: "false"
secure: "false"
samesite: "none"
# Convenience options, usually left as default
create: true
port: 80
type: ClusterIP
nameOverride: null
enabled: false
fullnameOverride: null
annotations: {}
enabled: false
- host: chart-example.local
paths: []
tls: []
Watches overrides variables at runtime depending on the environment. If you need to change the base configuration of the application without any pod manipulation, edit the environmnent variables in the rating-operator pods. If the variable exist in this file, and in the pods, it can be overrided. The path in this file has to match the path in the value file used. As an example:
auth: "true" # This
- version: v1alpha1
kind: Rating
chart: helm-charts/rating
security.auth: ${CLUSTER_AUTH} # Can be overriden by that, by setting CLUSTER_AUTH env var
security.token.admin: ${RATING_ADMIN_API_KEY}
api.pullSecretsName: ${PULLSECRETS_API}
manager.pullSecretsName: ${PULLSECRETS_MANAGER}
engine.pullSecretsName: ${PULLSECRETS_ENGINE}
frontend.pullSecretsName: ${PULLSECRETS_FRONTEND}
postgresql.postgresqlPassword: ${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}
frontend.url: ${FRONTEND_URL}
frontend.allowOrigin: ${ALLOW_ORIGIN}
grafana.enabled: ${GRAFANA}
grafana.backend: ${GRAFANA_BACKEND_URL}
grafana.password: ${GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
After the common configuration overview above, those shorter explanations will help you decide where you want to include your configuration.
If a value from the chart have to evolve while already deployed, the best way to do so is to use kubectl set env
Once you have modified the variable, the watch mecanism while forward the change through the application and hold it as its new default. Pods affected by the change will restart to include the modification.
This is aimed for potential operators wanting to influence rating-operator configuration.
The operator configuration file, ./deploy/crds/charts.helm.k8s.io_v1alpha1_rating_cr.yaml
, will take the lead on configuration.
Every value that is present in both this file and in the helm-chart/rating/values.yaml
will be overriden.
This file is the highest in the values.yaml
This file is aimed to end-users.
The chart configuration file, values.yaml
, will not be overrided by the above configurations, as deploying as a chart doesn't include those features.
This file is more fore testing, as we don't recommand deploying the operator this way.
This is the lowest level configuration. Every modification made in this file will be embarked in the image you will deploy through the operator. Obviously, any changes made here requires the rebuilding of the image.
This is aimed at people who will distribute versions of the rating-operator to their users.
An example of that would be including the Keycloak
and postgresql
configuration of the company, then letting different services configure their own instance through the ./deploy/crds/charts.helm.k8s.io_v1alpha1_rating_cr.yaml
We do not recommand modifying this configuration if you are in a different case.
The configuration described below can be found in ./quickstart/prometheus/values.yaml
# This is the base configuration for the prometheus-operator
# Use the quickstart/grafana/values.yaml if you already have a prometheus and want a local grafana instead
# See for more infos on available options
retention: 30d
adminPassword: prom-operator
# Keep the default prometheus datasource
defaultDatasourceEnabled: True
repository: grafana/grafana
tag: 7.3.5
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# The plugins below are required by the rating-operator datasource
# Feel free to add more
- digrich-bubblechart-panel # Required
- grafana-clock-panel # Required
- simpod-json-datasource # Required
- grafana-piechart-panel # Required
disable_sanitize_html: true
# Basic datasource configuration for the rating-operator
apiVersion: 1
- name: Rating-operator
type: simpod-json-datasource
access: proxy
# Update the url if you are not running the default configuration
url: http://rating-operator-api.rating.svc.cluster.local:80
editable: true
# Both withCredentials and session cookies are mandatory to exploit the multi-tenant aspect on Grafana
withCredentials: true
keepCookies: ["session"]
# Dashboards are directly included in the configuration, to ease the deployment
apiVersion: 1
- name: 'default'
orgId: 1
folder: 'admin'
type: file
disableDeletion: true
editable: true
path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/default
- name: 'admin'
orgId: 1
folder: 'admin'
type: file
disableDeletion: true
editable: true
path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/admin
- name: 'tenant'
orgId: 1
folder: ''
type: file
disableDeletion: true
editable: false
path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/tenant
The Grafana configuration is included in the Prometheus one. Please refer to the above.
The configuration for the standalone Grafana installation is located at ./quickstart/grafana/values.yaml
To access to the keycloak web interface:
kubectl port-forward keycloak-pod-name 8080:8080
You can then access to: http://localhost:8080
To configure keycloak, follow this resumed steps (see more configuration details in this page):
- Start first by creating your realm with a specific name
e.g. rating
(a realm manages a set of users, credentials, roles, and groups. A user belongs to and logs into a realm. Realms are isolated from one another and can only manage and authenticate the users that they control.):
Access to the created realm and click to clients in the left sidebar to create a new client (clients are entities that can request Keycloak to authenticate a user. Most often, clients are applications and services that want to use Keycloak to secure themselves and provide a single sign-on solution.). Set the parameters as follows:
- Access type: confidential
- Standard flow enabled: OFF
- Direct access grant: ON
- Create a user set the password to not temporary (users are entities that are able to log into the rating operator application).
Configure namespaces for the user:
Add the
variable for the user in the user attributes:
- Add a mapper to the client, to enable sending this attribute in the user login token:
Once done, you can add the realm, client id and secret in the configuation file as described above.
The client secret can be found in the credentials
NOTE: the namespaces should be separated with a dash "-" (e.g. namespaces= "ns1-ns2").
Each created user in keycloak belongs to a group either admin
or user
. To specify the group of a user, create the attribute named group
in keycloak with the same steps as the namespaces
attribute. Set the value of the group
attribute to admin
for admin-user and user
for a normal user (see types of Rating operator users in his file).
Once openldap is deployed (see how to install openldap in this file), create the ldap schema following the steps below:
- access to one of the openldap pods:
kubectl exec -it openldap_pod -- /bin/bash
- Create the
file containing the following ldap schema:
echo "dn: ou=Tenants,dc=example,dc=org
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Tenants
dn: cn=user,ou=Tenants,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: user
sn: user
cn: user user
uid: ns1-ns2
userPassword: mdp
" > structure.ldif
- Deploy the
ldapadd -x -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' -w Not@SecurePassw0rd -H ldapi:/// -f structure.ldif
- Each time you want to create a new user, redo the same steps with the following
echo "dn: cn=user,ou=Tenants,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: user
sn: admin /or user
cn: user user
uid: ns3-ns4
userPassword: mdp
" > structure.ldif
NOTE: the namespaces of users are defined in the Object attribute uid
with the same format as keycloak (i.e. the namespaces should be separated with a dash "-" (e.g. uid: ns1-ns2)).
NOTE: you can use the phpadmin
web interface to do this steps.
Each created user in ldap belongs to a group either admin
or user
. To specify the group of a user, set sn to admin
for admin-user and user
for normal user.
NOTE: for the local authentication option, the group of a user is specified while the user account is created in the api/signup