The Token Negotiator provides the client gateway to connect user digital tokens from on or off chain sources, enabling developers to create bespoke tokenised web experiences.
The Token Negotiator Server extends the capabilities of Token Negotiator for Web Applications Server Side.
// Server Side Configuration
import { Server } from "@tokenscript/token-negotiator-server";
const negotiatorServer = new Server({
issuers: {
socios: {
collectionID: string, // to match the client configs collectionID
consumerKey: string, // your socios API consumer key
consumerSecret: string, // your socios API consumer secret
partnerTag: string, // your socios API partner tag
redirectURI: string, // your socios API application redirect_uri
returnToApplicationURL: string, // re-direct on Oauth2 success
// example redirectURI configuration end point
app.get("/user-login-callback", async (request, response) => {
// retrieve access token
const accessTokenData = await tokenNegotiatorServer.socios.getAccessToken(request.query.code, response);
// set token
// navigate back to the application page including the wallet provider details.
// example user-balance configuration end point
app.get("/user-balance", cors(), async (request, response) => {
const output = await tokenNegotiatorServer.socios.getFungibleTokenBalance(request.cookies['tn-oauth2-access-token-socios']);
// example user-nfts configuration end point
app.get("/user-nfts", cors(), async (request, response) =>{
const output = await tokenNegotiatorServer.socios.getNonFungibleTokens(request.cookies['tn-oauth2-access-token-socios']);
// Client Side Configuration
import { Client } from "@tokenscript/token-negotiator";
const negotiatorClient = new Client({
type: "active", // active mode is required to connect to the Socios Wallet
issuers: [
onChain: true, // set onChain to true (blockchain tokens via API, Oauth2 flow)
fungible: true, // set to true / false based on the collection
chain: "eth", // set to 'eth' for Socios (current version)
blockchain: "evm", // set to 'evm' for Socios (current version)
collectionID: "socios", // chose a unique name in your applications issuers to identfiy the tokens from
contract: "0x3506424F91fD33084466F402d5D97f05F8e3b4AF", // Chiliz Smart Contract
oAuth2options: {
consumerKey: "...", // your Socios API consumer key
redirectURI: "http://localhost:5000/user-login-callback", // your Socios API redirect URI
partnerTag: "smarttokenlabs", // your Socios API partner tag name
returnToApplicationURL: "/index.html", // re-direct on Oauth2 success
endpoints: { // end points to your web application.
redirectURI: {
path: "http://localhost:5000/user-login-callback", // end point to your defined redirect URI (to complete the Oauth2 verification)
params: {}
userBalance: {
path: 'http://localhost:5000/user-balance', // end point to check a users balance
params: {}
userNfts: {
path: 'http://localhost:5000/user-nfts', // end point to check the users NFT balance
params: {}
userLogout: {
path: 'http://localhost:5000/user-logout', // end point to log a user out
params: {}
uiOptions: {
"Open a new world of perks, benefits and opportunities with your Socios tokens.",
issuerHeading: "Get discount with Socios Tokens",
repeatAction: "try again",
position: "top-right"
negotiatorClient.on("tokens-selected", (tokens) => {
console.log("tokens-selected", tokens);