A template repository meeting the Smarsh Professional Archive Best Practices: https://smarsh.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/P1/pages/854065209/GitHub+Kanban+Standards
This template repo utilizes our Professional Archive GitHub Re-Usable Workflows
. Please read about thier workflows and how to name branches properly here:
Delete this header when setting up your repository + fill out the sections below.
Build status tags or badges go at the top.
👆 edit the path in this badge to match your new repo
Brief application description
- list language and build tool requirements (Java, .net, docker, etc.)
- list services this project depends on (zookeeper, db, Retrieval Service, etc.)
Describe each individual application contained in the repo and its entry point or start script. Many repos will contain one application but some contain multiple.
Describe each artifact produced by the project and where it lives. Example:
The docker image lives in Artifactory (provide URL).
Describe how to build the application locally
Describe how to run code locally, including starting any prerequisites or service dependencies. Also include any IDE or debugging setup necessary
Projects often have scripts, makefiles, or other tooling to speed local development. Describe them here.
Link to other documentation or resources a developer might want. Examples:
- changelog file
- Jira board
- Confluence space or home page for project