minisend - mailer for everyday business.
Before installing please confirm you have Docker and Node JS on your computer
# Clone project
$ git clone [email protected]:Slaknoah/MiniSend.git
# Go to project directory
$ cd Minisend
# Get submodules ( e.g laradock )
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
# Go to the api folder (.../Minisend/api)
$ cd api
# Set the .env files
$ cp .env.example .env
$ cp .env.testing.example .env.testing
# Lets also set the php worker config file at once
$ cp minisend-worker.conf.example laradock/php-worker/supervisord.d/minisend-worker.conf
# Go to the laradock folder (.../Minisend/api/laradock)
$ cd laradock
# Also set the .env file there
$ cp env-example .env
# Start docker services
$ docker-compose up -d nginx mysql mailhog rabbitmq php-worker
$ docker-compose exec workspace bash
Enter the following in the opened bash terminal
# Install api dependencies
$ composer install
# Migrate
$ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
$ exit
# Go to the app folder (.../Minisend/app)
$ cd app
# Set the .env file
$ cp env-example .env
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Start
$ npm run dev
If all was done right you can now access your app frontend at here.
- email: [email protected]
- password: password
Once you login, generate your api tokens to access the mail api by including it in your authorization header
- Send mail: POST - http://localhost/api/v1/emails
Happy Coding!