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Merge PR coq#19123: Algorithmically better EConstr view function.
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Reviewed-by: SkySkimmer
Ack-by: Janno
Co-authored-by: SkySkimmer <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
coqbot-app[bot] and SkySkimmer authored Jun 7, 2024
2 parents a667ac2 + 4768369 commit f71d773
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 14 deletions.
168 changes: 154 additions & 14 deletions engine/
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Expand Up @@ -1661,6 +1661,148 @@ module Monad =

type unsolvability_explanation = SeveralInstancesFound of int

module Expand :
type handle
val empty_handle : handle
(* val liftn_handle : int -> handle -> handle *)
val kind : evar_map -> handle -> constr ->
handle * (constr, constr, Sorts.t, UVars.Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) kind_of_term
val expand : evar_map -> handle -> constr -> constr
end =

type clos = {
evc_map : (int * clos * Constr.t) Id.Map.t;
(* Map each bound ident to its value and the depth it was introduced at *)
evc_lift : int; (* number of binders crossed since last evar *)
evc_stack : int list; (* stack of binders crossed at each evar *)
evc_depth : int; (* length of evc_stack *)
evc_cache : int Int.Map.t ref option; (* Cache get_lift on evc_stack *)

let empty_clos = {
evc_lift = 0;
evc_depth = 0;
evc_stack = [];
evc_map = Id.Map.empty;
evc_cache = None;

let push_clos info clos args =
let push id c map = Id.Map.add id (clos.evc_depth, clos, c) map in
let nmap = evar_instance_array clos.evc_map push info args in
evc_lift = 0;
evc_map = nmap;
evc_depth = clos.evc_depth + 1;
evc_stack = clos.evc_lift :: clos.evc_stack;
evc_cache = Some (ref Int.Map.empty);

let find_clos clos id = match Id.Map.find_opt id clos.evc_map with
| None -> None
| Some (depth, nclos, v) ->
let pos = clos.evc_depth - depth - 1 in
let rec get_lift accu n lft =
if Int.equal n 0 then accu
else match lft with
| [] -> assert false
| k :: lft -> get_lift (accu + k) (n - 1) lft
let ans = match clos.evc_cache with
| None -> assert false
| Some cache ->
match Int.Map.find_opt pos !cache with
| None ->
let ans = get_lift 0 pos clos.evc_stack in
let () = cache := Int.Map.add pos ans !cache in
| Some ans -> ans
let k = clos.evc_lift + ans in
Some (k, nclos, v)

type handle = {
h_clos : clos;
h_lift : Esubst.lift;

let empty_handle = {
h_clos = empty_clos;
h_lift = Esubst.el_id;

let liftn_clos n s = { s with evc_lift = s.evc_lift + n }

let liftn_handle n h = {
h_clos = liftn_clos n h.h_clos;
h_lift = Esubst.el_liftn n h.h_lift;

let rec kind sigma h c = match Constr.kind c with
| Rel n -> h, Rel (Esubst.reloc_rel n h.h_lift)
| Var id as c0 ->
begin match find_clos h.h_clos id with
| None -> (h, c0)
| Some (k, clos, v) ->
let h = { h_clos = clos; h_lift = Esubst.el_shft k h.h_lift } in
kind sigma h v
| Evar (evk, args) as c0 ->
begin match EvMap.find_opt evk sigma.defn_evars with
| None -> (h, c0)
| Some info ->
let Evar_defined c = evar_body info in
let nclos = push_clos info h.h_clos args in
kind sigma { h_lift = h.h_lift; h_clos = nclos } c
| Meta _ | Sort _ | Cast _ | Prod _ | Lambda _ | LetIn _ | App _
| Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ | Proj _ | Int _ | Float _ | Array _ as c0 ->
(h, c0)

let expand0 sigma h c =
let lift h = liftn_handle 1 h in
let rec aux h c = match Constr.kind c with
| Rel n ->
let n' = Esubst.reloc_rel n h.h_lift in
if Int.equal n n' then c else mkRel n'
| Var id ->
begin match find_clos h.h_clos id with
| None -> c
| Some (k, clos, v) ->
let h = { h_clos = clos; h_lift = Esubst.el_shft k h.h_lift } in
aux h v
| Evar (evk, args) ->
(* for efficiency do not expand evars, just their instance *)
let EvarInfo evi = find sigma evk in
let push decl c args =
if isVarId (NamedDecl.get_id decl) c then SList.default args
else SList.cons c args
let rec expand ctx args = match ctx, SList.view args with
| [], None -> SList.empty
| decl :: ctx, Some (Some c, args) ->
let c = aux h c in
push decl c (expand ctx args)
| decl :: ctx, Some (None, args) ->
let c = aux h (mkVar (NamedDecl.get_id decl)) in
push decl c (expand ctx args)
| [], Some _ | _ :: _, None -> instance_mismatch ()
let args = expand (evar_filtered_context evi) args in
mkEvar (evk, args)
| _ -> Constr.map_with_binders lift aux h c
aux h c

let expand sigma h c =
if Esubst.is_lift_id h.h_lift && Id.Map.is_empty h.h_clos.evc_map then c
else expand0 sigma h c


module MiniEConstr = struct

module ERelevance = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1695,25 +1837,23 @@ module MiniEConstr = struct
let rec whd_evar sigma c =
match Constr.kind c with
| Evar ev ->
begin match existential_opt_value sigma ev with
| Some c -> whd_evar sigma c
| None -> c
let (h, knd) = Expand.kind sigma Expand.empty_handle c in
if Constr.kind c == knd then c
else whd_kind sigma h knd
| App (f, args) when isEvar f ->
(* Enforce smart constructor invariant on applications *)
let ev = destEvar f in
begin match existential_opt_value sigma ev with
| None -> c
| Some f -> whd_evar sigma (mkApp (f, args))
let (h, knd) = Expand.kind sigma Expand.empty_handle f in
if Constr.kind f == knd then c
else mkApp (whd_kind sigma h knd, args)
| Cast (c0, k, t) when isEvar c0 ->
(* Enforce smart constructor invariant on casts. *)
let ev = destEvar c0 in
begin match existential_opt_value sigma ev with
| None -> c
| Some c -> whd_evar sigma (mkCast (c, k, t))
let (h, knd) = Expand.kind sigma Expand.empty_handle c0 in
if Constr.kind c0 == knd then c
else mkCast (whd_kind sigma h knd, k, t)
| _ -> c
and whd_kind sigma h knd =
(* we need to force the head as Expand.expand does not expand evar subterms *)
whd_evar sigma (Expand.expand sigma h (Constr.of_kind knd))

let mkLEvar = mkLEvar
let replace_vars = replace_vars
Expand Down

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