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NewProfile: pause and resumption API
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SkySkimmer committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent a06a241 commit a5dab76
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Showing 2 changed files with 68 additions and 38 deletions.
86 changes: 48 additions & 38 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -8,20 +8,6 @@
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)

type accu =
| No
| Format of { ch : Format.formatter }

let accu = ref No

let pid = Unix.getpid()

let is_profiling () = !accu <> No

let f fmt = match !accu with
| No -> assert false
| Format { ch } -> Format.fprintf ch fmt

module MiniJson = struct
type t =[
| `Intlit of string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +38,8 @@ module MiniJson = struct
| x :: l -> Format.fprintf ch "%a,\n%a" pr x prarray l

let pid = Unix.getpid()

let pids = string_of_int pid
let base = [("pid", `Intlit pids); ("tid", `Intlit pids)]

Expand All @@ -64,6 +52,19 @@ module MiniJson = struct
`Assoc l

type accu = {
ch : Format.formatter;
mutable sums : (float * (float * int) CString.Map.t) list;

let accu = ref None

let is_profiling () = Option.has_some !accu

let f fmt = match !accu with
| None -> assert false
| Some { ch } -> Format.fprintf ch fmt

let gettime = Unix.gettimeofday

let gettimeopt = function
Expand All @@ -79,36 +80,36 @@ let global_start_stat = Gc.quick_stat()
let duration ~time name ph ?args ?(last=",") () =
f "%a%s\n" (MiniJson.duration ~name ~ph ~ts:(prtime time) ?args ()) last

let sums = ref []

let enter_sums ?time () =
let accu = Option.get !accu in
let time = gettimeopt time in
sums := (time, CString.Map.empty) :: !sums
accu.sums <- (time, CString.Map.empty) :: accu.sums

let enter ?time name ?args () =
let time = gettimeopt time in
enter_sums ~time ();
duration ~time name "B" ?args ()

let leave_sums ?time name () =
let accu = Option.get !accu in
let time = gettimeopt time in
match !sums with
| [] -> assert false
| [start,sum] -> sums := []; sum, time -. start
| (start, sum) :: (start', next) :: rest ->
let dur = time -. start in
let next = CString.Map.update name (function
| None -> Some (dur, 1)
| Some (dur', cnt) -> Some (dur +. dur', cnt+1))
let next = CString.Map.union (fun name' (l,cnt) (r,cnt') ->
if String.equal name name' then Some (r,cnt+cnt')
else Some (l +. r, cnt+cnt'))
sum next
sums := (start', next) :: rest;
sum, dur
match accu.sums with
| [] -> assert false
| [start,sum] -> accu.sums <- []; sum, time -. start
| (start, sum) :: (start', next) :: rest ->
let dur = time -. start in
let next = CString.Map.update name (function
| None -> Some (dur, 1)
| Some (dur', cnt) -> Some (dur +. dur', cnt+1))
let next = CString.Map.union (fun name' (l,cnt) (r,cnt') ->
if String.equal name name' then Some (r,cnt+cnt')
else Some (l +. r, cnt+cnt'))
sum next
accu. sums <- (start', next) :: rest;
sum, dur

let leave ?time name ?(args=[]) ?last () =
let time = gettimeopt time in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,18 +178,27 @@ type settings =

let init { output } =
let () = assert (not (is_profiling())) in
accu := Format { ch = output };
accu := Some { ch = output; sums = [] };
f "{ \"traceEvents\": [\n";
enter ~time:global_start "process" ();
enter ~time:global_start "init" ();
leave "init" ~args:(make_mem_diff ~mstart:global_start_stat ~mend:(Gc.quick_stat())) ()

let pause () =
let v = !accu in
accu := None;

let resume v =
assert (not (is_profiling()));
accu := Some v

let finish () = match !accu with
| No -> ()
| Format { ch } ->
| None -> assert false
| Some { ch } ->
leave "process"
~args:(make_mem_diff ~mstart:global_start_stat ~mend:(Gc.quick_stat()))
Format.fprintf ch "],\n\"displayTimeUnit\": \"us\" }";
accu := No
accu := None
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions lib/newProfile.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ module MiniJson : sig

val profile : string -> ?args:(unit -> (string * MiniJson.t) list) -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit -> 'a
(** Profile the given function.
[args] is called only if profiling is active, it is used to
produce additional annotations.

val is_profiling : unit -> bool

Expand All @@ -27,5 +32,20 @@ type settings =

val init : settings -> unit
(** Profiling must not be active.
Activates profiling with a fresh state. *)

val finish : unit -> unit
(** Profiling must be active.
Deactivates profiling. *)

type accu
(** Profiling state accumulator. *)

val pause : unit -> accu option
(** Returns [None] if profiling is inactive.
Deactivates profiling if it is active, returning the current state. *)

val resume : accu -> unit
(** Profiling must not be active.
Activates profiling with the given state. *)

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