luac — The luac program parses lua files. It can be used for detecting errors in lua code. See for more informations about luac.
This package will lint your .lua
opened files in Atom through luac. It will lint on edit and/or save, so you'll see instantly if your code has errors.
Due to the way that luac works it will only notify you of the first error found in the file.
Before using this package, you must ensure that luac
is installed on your system.
$ apm install linter
(if you don't have AtomLinter/Linter installed).$ apm install linter-lua
- linter-php, for PHP using
php -l
- linter-phpcs - Linter plugin for PHP, using phpcs.
- linter-phpmd - Linter plugin for PHP, using phpmd.
- linter-jshint - Linter plugin for JavaScript, using jshint.
- linter-scss-lint - Sass Linter plugin for SCSS, using scss-lint.
- linter-coffeelint Linter plugin for CoffeeScript, using coffeelint.
- linter-csslint Linter plugin for CSS, using csslint.
- linter-rubocop - Linter plugin for Ruby, using rubocop.
- linter-tslint Linter plugin for JavaScript, using tslint.