The 'Testing(Automated)' is a Web-Development Internship Project (Task #6) as part of GRIP(Graduate Rotational Internship Program)@The Sparks Foundation
This Repository contains the .py file using which I have conducted the automated test on a website.
- Read up about testing.
- Learn Selenium and basic automating scripting
- Start with Google Search and read tutorials.Watch videos to learn about various aspects of testing using selenium.
- Use selenium to create a test case to test the website
- The test script should consist of atleast 5 pages and 10 elements in total.
- Each element could be e.g. if the logo exists, the navigation bar appears, the name on the about us page is correct, etc.
- Python
- Pycharm Community Edition 2020.1.2
- Selenium
- Web Driver - Chrome Driver(chromedriver.exe)