This addon provides a computed property macro that calculates the cartesian product of N arrays.
ember install ember-cartesian-product
Note: This addon requires ember.js >= 2.0
The cartesian
macro works by accepting a key to another property on the object whose value is an array of N arrays. The computed property's value will be equal to an array of N-tuple arrays, consisting of every distinct combination of one element from each the source arrays. For example, say you have an object with two arrays called animals
and colors
, and you want to calculate the cartesian product of those arrays.
import Ember from 'ember';
import cartesian from 'ember-cartesian-product';
let MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
cartesianProduct: cartesian('myArrays')
let subject = MyObject.create({
animals: ['cat', 'dog'],
colors: ['orange', 'blue'],
myArrays: Ember.computed.collect('animals', 'colors')
// Initial value
* [
* ['cat', 'orange'], ['cat', 'blue'],
* ['dog', 'orange'], ['dog', 'blue']
* ]
// Swapping out one of the arrays
let newColors = Ember.A(['black', 'teal']);
subject.set('colors', newColors);
* [
* ['cat', 'black'], ['cat', 'teal'],
* ['dog', 'black'], ['dog', 'teal']
* ]
// Adding an element to one of the arrays
* [
* ['cat', 'black'], ['cat', 'teal'], ['cat', 'green'],
* ['dog', 'black'], ['dog', 'teal'], ['dog', 'green']
* ]
You can also dynamically change which arrays are being used to calculate the product:
let MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
cartesianProduct: cartesian('myArrays')
let animals = ['cat', 'dog'];
let colors = ['black', 'teal'];
let myArrays = Ember.A([animals, colors]);
let subject = MyObject.create({
myArrays: myArrays
// Initial value
* [
* ['cat', 'black'], ['cat', 'teal'],
* ['dog', 'black'], ['dog', 'teal']
* ]
// Add a third source array
myArrays.pushObject(['square', 'circle', 'triangle']);
* [
* ['cat', 'black', 'square'], ['cat', 'black', 'circle'], ['cat', 'black', 'triangle']
* ['cat', 'teal', 'square'], ['cat', 'teal', 'circle'], ['cat', 'teal', 'triangle']
* ['dog', 'black', 'square'], ['dog', 'black', 'circle'], ['dog', 'black', 'triangle']
* ['dog', 'teal', 'square'], ['dog', 'teal', 'circle'], ['dog', 'teal', 'triangle']
* ]
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